eBay Shopping APIVersion 1293


Note: All calls in the Shopping API have been deprecated and will be decommissioned on February 5, 2025. An alternative to this API is the Browse API, which also has advanced search capabilities.

Note: Developers using Shopping API calls must authenticate with an OAuth application access token in the HTTP header X-EBAY-API-IAF-TOKEN and use OAuth application access tokens with a scope that includes https://api.ebay.com/oauth/api_scope. See the client credentials grant flow topic for more information on generating and managing OAuth application access tokens. See the Specifying OAuth scopes topic for more information on OAuth scopes.

This call retrieves publicly available data for one or more listings.

Usage Details

Use this call to retrieve much of the information that is visible on a listing's View Item page on the eBay site, such as title and prices. Provide ItemID for every item for which you want information. This call returns the same minimal information that is returned by GetSingleItem for each item with no IncludeSelector specified. (Use GetShippingCosts to retrieve detailed shipping cost information for a given item.)

For information about specifying affiliate parameters, see Affiliate URL Parameters and HTTP Header Values.

Note: For listings that return Item.DiscountPriceInfo.PricingTreatment set to MAP (Minimum Advertised Price), you are legally required to follow the rules for displaying the price of the item to potential buyers. You are bound by the terms of the API License Agreement to follow these rules. Refer to the API License Agreement for consequences of non-compliance.

Related Information

See also the reference documentation for this call:


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that could be included in the call request. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are (or soon will be) non-operational.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetMultipleItemsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Input Fields -->
  <IncludeSelector> string </IncludeSelector>
  <ItemID> string </ItemID>
  <!-- ... more ItemID values allowed here ... -->
  <!-- Standard Input Fields -->
  <MessageID> string </MessageID>
Argument Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Input Fields [Jump to standard fields]
IncludeSelector string Optional Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the response.

If you don't specify this field, the call returns a default set of fields (see the "Detail Controls" link below). If you specify this field, the additional fields you retrieve can affect the call's response time (performance).

Applicable values:

•   Details

Include most available fields in the response (except fields that significantly affect the call's performance).

•   Description

Include the Description field in the response. (This can affect the call's performance.)

•   TextDescription

Include the text Description (no html tag) field in the response. (This can affect the call's performance.)

•   ItemSpecifics

Include ItemSpecifics in the response.

•   Variations

Include Variations in the response.

Use a comma to specify multiple values. (In this case, the results are cumulative.) See "GetSingleItem Samples" for an example of how to use this field.

See "Detail Controls" for a complete list of fields that can be returned for each selector.

    Detail Controls
    GetMultipleItems Samples

ItemID string Required,
repeatable: [1..*]
The uniqe ID that identifies the listing for which to retrieve the data. You can provide a maximum of 20 ItemID values. When making a URL request, there are two ways to handle specifying multiple item ID values. You can use multiple ItemID fields, but each one must be specified as an indexed array (e.g., ...&ItemID(0)=130310421484&ItemID(1)= 300321408208& ItemID(2)=370214653822...).

Alternatively, as a shortcut for URL requests, you can specify multipe item ID values as a comma-separated list in a single ItemID field (e.g., ...&ItemID=130310421484,300321408208,370214653822... ) for convenience.

You can determine an item's ID by calling findItemsAdvanced (Finding API) or from the eBay Web site. Provide ItemID for every item for which you want information.
Max length: 19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits).

See (findItemsAdvanced) item.itemId.

Standard Input Fields  
MessageID string Optional If you pass a value into the MessageID field in a request, the same value is returned in CorrelationID field in the response. If you're making a lot of calls, you can use this for tracking that a response is returned for every request and to match particular responses to particular requests. (In this case, specify a different value for each request.) You can specify any value that is useful to you.


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that might be returned in the response. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are not returned (or soon will not be returned) or are not operational (or soon will be non-operational).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetMultipleItemsResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Output Fields -->
  <Item> SimpleItemType
    <AutoPay> boolean </AutoPay>
    <AvailableForPickupDropOff> boolean </AvailableForPickupDropOff>
    <BestOfferEnabled> boolean </BestOfferEnabled>
    <BidCount> int </BidCount>
    <BusinessSellerDetails> BusinessSellerDetailsType
      <AdditionalContactInformation> string </AdditionalContactInformation>
      <Address> AddressType
        <CityName> string </CityName>
        <CompanyName> string </CompanyName>
        <CountryName> string </CountryName>
        <FirstName> string </FirstName>
        <LastName> string </LastName>
        <Name> string </Name>
        <Phone> string </Phone>
        <PostalCode> string </PostalCode>
        <StateOrProvince> string </StateOrProvince>
        <Street1> string </Street1>
        <Street2> string </Street2>
      <Email> string </Email>
      <Fax> string </Fax>
      <LegalInvoice> boolean </LegalInvoice>
      <TermsAndConditions> string </TermsAndConditions>
      <TradeRegistrationNumber> string </TradeRegistrationNumber>
      <VATDetails> VATDetailsType
        <BusinessSeller> boolean </BusinessSeller>
        <RestrictedToBusiness> boolean </RestrictedToBusiness>
        <VATID> string </VATID>
        <VATPercent> float </VATPercent>
        <VATSite> string </VATSite>
    <BuyItNowAvailable> boolean </BuyItNowAvailable>
    <BuyItNowPrice> AmountType (double) </BuyItNowPrice>
    <Charity> CharityType
      <CharityID> string </CharityID>
      <CharityName> string </CharityName>
      <DonationPercent> float </DonationPercent>
      <LogoURL> string </LogoURL>
      <Mission> string </Mission>
      <Status> CharityStatusCodeType </Status>
    <ConditionDescription> string </ConditionDescription>
    <ConditionDisplayName> string </ConditionDisplayName>
    <ConditionID> int </ConditionID>
    <ConvertedBuyItNowPrice> AmountType (double) </ConvertedBuyItNowPrice>
    <ConvertedCurrentPrice> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
    <Country> CountryCodeType </Country>
    <CurrentPrice> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DiscountPriceInfo> DiscountPriceInfoType
      <MinimumAdvertisedPrice> AmountType (double) </MinimumAdvertisedPrice>
      <MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure> MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposureCodeType </MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure>
      <OriginalRetailPrice> AmountType (double) </OriginalRetailPrice>
      <PricingTreatment> PricingTreatmentCodeType </PricingTreatment>
      <SoldOffeBay> boolean </SoldOffeBay>
      <SoldOneBay> boolean </SoldOneBay>
    <EligibleForPickupDropOff> boolean </EligibleForPickupDropOff>
    <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
    <ExcludeShipToLocation> string </ExcludeShipToLocation>
    <!-- ... more ExcludeShipToLocation values allowed here ... -->
    <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
    <GlobalShipping> boolean </GlobalShipping>
    <HandlingTime> int </HandlingTime>
    <HighBidder> SimpleUserType
      <FeedbackPrivate> boolean </FeedbackPrivate>
      <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
      <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
      <UserAnonymized> boolean </UserAnonymized>
      <UserID> string </UserID>
    <HitCount> long </HitCount>
    <IgnoreQuantity> boolean </IgnoreQuantity>
    <IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled> boolean </IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled>
    <ItemID> string </ItemID>
    <ItemSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
      <NameValueList> NameValueListType
        <Name> string </Name>
        <Value> string </Value>
        <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
      <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
    <ListingStatus> ListingStatusCodeType </ListingStatus>
    <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
    <Location> string </Location>
    <LotSize> int </LotSize>
    <MinimumToBid> AmountType (double) </MinimumToBid>
    <PaymentAllowedSite> SiteCodeType </PaymentAllowedSite>
    <!-- ... more PaymentAllowedSite values allowed here ... -->
    <PaymentMethods> BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType </PaymentMethods>
    <!-- ... more PaymentMethods values allowed here ... -->
    <PictureURL> anyURI </PictureURL>
    <!-- ... more PictureURL values allowed here ... -->
    <PostalCode> string </PostalCode>
    <PrimaryCategoryID> string </PrimaryCategoryID>
    <PrimaryCategoryIDPath> string </PrimaryCategoryIDPath>
    <PrimaryCategoryName> string </PrimaryCategoryName>
    <ProductID> ProductIDType (string) </ProductID>
    <Quantity> int </Quantity>
    <QuantityAvailableHint> QuantityAvailableHintCodeType </QuantityAvailableHint>
    <QuantityInfo> QuantityInfo
      <MinimumRemnantSet> int </MinimumRemnantSet>
    <QuantitySold> int </QuantitySold>
    <QuantitySoldByPickupInStore> int </QuantitySoldByPickupInStore>
    <QuantityThreshold> int </QuantityThreshold>
    <ReserveMet> boolean </ReserveMet>
    <ReturnPolicy> ReturnPolicyType
      <Description> string </Description>
      <InternationalRefund> string </InternationalRefund>
      <InternationalReturnsAccepted> string </InternationalReturnsAccepted>
      <InternationalReturnsWithin> string </InternationalReturnsWithin>
      <InternationalShippingCostPaidBy> string </InternationalShippingCostPaidBy>
      <Refund> string </Refund>
      <ReturnsAccepted> string </ReturnsAccepted>
      <ReturnsWithin> string </ReturnsWithin>
      <ShippingCostPaidBy> string </ShippingCostPaidBy>
    <SecondaryCategoryID> string </SecondaryCategoryID>
    <SecondaryCategoryIDPath> string </SecondaryCategoryIDPath>
    <SecondaryCategoryName> string </SecondaryCategoryName>
    <Seller> SimpleUserType
      <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
      <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
      <PositiveFeedbackPercent> float </PositiveFeedbackPercent>
      <TopRatedSeller> boolean </TopRatedSeller>
      <UserID> string </UserID>
    <ShippingCostSummary> ShippingCostSummaryType
      <ListedShippingServiceCost> AmountType (double) </ListedShippingServiceCost>
      <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
      <ShippingServiceCost> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
      <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
    <ShipToLocations> string </ShipToLocations>
    <!-- ... more ShipToLocations values allowed here ... -->
    <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
    <SKU> string </SKU>
    <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
    <Storefront> StorefrontType
      <StoreName> string </StoreName>
      <StoreURL> anyURI </StoreURL>
    <Subtitle> string </Subtitle>
    <TimeLeft> duration </TimeLeft>
    <Title> string </Title>
    <TopRatedListing> boolean </TopRatedListing>
    <UnitInfo> UnitInfoType
      <UnitQuantity> double </UnitQuantity>
      <UnitType> string </UnitType>
    <Variations> VariationsType
      <Pictures> PicturesType
        <VariationSpecificName> string </VariationSpecificName>
        <VariationSpecificPictureSet> VariationSpecificPictureSetType
          <PictureURL> anyURI </PictureURL>
          <!-- ... more PictureURL values allowed here ... -->
          <VariationSpecificValue> string </VariationSpecificValue>
        <!-- ... more VariationSpecificPictureSet nodes allowed here ... -->
      <Variation> VariationType
        <DiscountPriceInfo> DiscountPriceInfoType
          <MinimumAdvertisedPrice> AmountType (double) </MinimumAdvertisedPrice>
          <MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure> MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposureCodeType </MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure>
          <OriginalRetailPrice> AmountType (double) </OriginalRetailPrice>
          <PricingTreatment> PricingTreatmentCodeType </PricingTreatment>
          <SoldOffeBay> boolean </SoldOffeBay>
          <SoldOneBay> boolean </SoldOneBay>
        <ProductID> ProductIDType (string) </ProductID>
        <Quantity> int </Quantity>
        <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
          <QuantitySold> int </QuantitySold>
          <QuantitySoldByPickupInStore> int </QuantitySoldByPickupInStore>
        <SKU> string </SKU>
        <StartPrice> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
        <VariationSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
          <NameValueList> NameValueListType
            <Name> string </Name>
            <Value> string </Value>
            <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
          <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
        <!-- ... more VariationSpecifics nodes allowed here ... -->
      <!-- ... more Variation nodes allowed here ... -->
      <VariationSpecificsSet> NameValueListArrayType
        <NameValueList> NameValueListType
          <Name> string </Name>
          <Value> string </Value>
          <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
        <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
    <VhrAvailable> boolean </VhrAvailable>
    <VhrUrl> anyURI </VhrUrl>
    <ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch> anyURI </ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch>
  <!-- ... more Item nodes allowed here ... -->
  <!-- Standard Output Fields -->
  <Ack> AckCodeType </Ack>
  <Build> string </Build>
  <CorrelationID> string </CorrelationID>
  <Errors> ErrorType
    <ErrorClassification> ErrorClassificationCodeType </ErrorClassification>
    <ErrorCode> token </ErrorCode>
    <ErrorParameters ParamID="string"> ErrorParameterType
      <Value> string </Value>
    <!-- ... more ErrorParameters nodes allowed here ... -->
    <LongMessage> string </LongMessage>
    <SeverityCode> SeverityCodeType </SeverityCode>
    <ShortMessage> string </ShortMessage>
  <!-- ... more Errors nodes allowed here ... -->
  <Timestamp> dateTime </Timestamp>
  <Version> string </Version>
Return Value Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Output Fields [Jump to standard fields]
Item SimpleItemType Always,
repeatable: [1..*]
Contains details for a listing (or multiple) listings that correspond to the item ID(s) specified in the request.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.AutoPay boolean Always This field indicates if the seller requests immediate payment for the item. If true, immediate payment is required before the checkout process can begin. If false, immediate payment is not requested.

The immediate payment feature is only applicable to fixed-price listings, or for auction listings where the buyer chooses to purchase the item through the 'Buy It Now' option. The immediate payment feature is not applicable (even if the AutoPay field has a true value) in the following types of listings/transactions:
  • Classified ad listings where payment/checkout happens between buyer and seller off of eBay's platform
  • Auction listings that end with a winning bidder
  • A buyer's Best Offer (on Fixed-Price or Auction items) that is accepted by the seller

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.AvailableForPickupDropOff boolean Conditionally If this field is returned as true, the order line item is enabled with the 'Click and Collect' feature. With Click and Collect, buyers are able to purchase an order line item on the eBay UK, Australia, and Germany sites, and then pick up their order from the nearest 'eBay Collection Point', including over 750 Argos stores in the UK.

The Click and Collect feature is only available on the eBay UK, Australia, and Germany sites. For more information about Click and Collect, see the Click and Collect home page on the eBay UK site, the Click and Collect home page on the eBay Australia site, or the Click and Collect home page on the eBay Germany site.

Not all categories on the UK, Australia, and Germany sites support Click and Collect listings. To verify if a specific category on these eBay sites support Click and Collect listings, use the GetCategoryFeatures call, passing in one or more CategoryID values and a PickupDropOffEnabled value in the FeatureID field.

Look for a true value in the PickupDropOffEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.BestOfferEnabled boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether the seller will accept a Best Offer for the item. The Best Offer feature allows a buyer to propose a price that is lower than the fixed price or lower than the current bid price on an auction listing. A buyer should consider their Best Offer as a binding offer, and if the seller accepts the offer, that buyer is expected to purchase the item (and is actually charged immediately if the listing is set up for immediate payment.

Note: The Best Offer feature is now available for auction listings on the following sites: US, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, and Spain. However, sellers must choose between offering Best Offer or Buy It Now on an auction listing, as both features cannot be enabled on the same auction listing. If an auction listing is enabled with Best Offer, this feature will no longer be applicable once the listing receives its first qualifying bid.

IncludeSelector: Details

    (eBay Help) Making a Best Offer (for Buyers)
    (eBay DE Hilfe) Preis vorschlagen

Item.BidCount int Always This integer value indicates the number of bids that have been placed on an auction item. This field is only applicable to auction listings, but it is always returned for all listings, and its value will be '0' if bids are not applicable to the listing.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.BusinessSellerDetails BusinessSellerDetailsType Conditionally This container is returned if the seller of the item is registered on the eBay listing site as a Business Seller. This container consists of information related to the Business Seller's account. Not all eBay sites support Business Sellers.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This field shows any additional contact for the Business Seller in free-form text. This field is only returned if known and available.

IncludeSelector: Details
AddressType Conditionally This field shows the address on file for the Business Seller.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The name of the Business Seller's city.

Max length: GB, DE - 35; US, CA - 40; AU - 80; Other countries - 50.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The Business Seller's company name. This field is only returned if defined and available.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The name of the country associated with the Business Seller's address.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The first name of the Business Seller.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The last name of the Business Seller.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The name associated with the Business Seller. This field is only returned if defined and available.

Max length: 128.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The Business Seller's primary phone number. This may return a value of Invalid Request if you are not authorized to see the Business Seller's phone number.

In the US, the area code (3 digits), the prefix (3 digits), the line number (4 digits), and phone extension (if specified by the user) are returned in this field. The extension can be one or more digits. Non-breaking spaces are used as delimiters between these phone number components.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The postal code asssociated with the Business Seller's address.

Max length: GB, DE - 35; US, CA - 40; AU - 80; Other countries - 50.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The state or province of the Business Seller's address. States and/or provinces are not applicable for every country.

Max length: GB, DE - 35; US, CA - 40; AU - 80; Other countries - 50.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The first line of the Business Seller's street address.

Max length: GB, DE - 35; US, CA - 40; AU - 80; Other countries - 50.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The second line of the Business Seller's street address (such as an apartment number or suite number). Returned if the Business Seller used the second line available for a street address.

Max length: GB, DE - 35; US, CA - 40; AU - 80; Other countries - 50.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This field shows the email address on file for the Business Seller.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.BusinessSellerDetails.Fax string Conditionally This field shows the Fax number on file for the Business Seller. This field is only returned if known and available.

IncludeSelector: Details
boolean Conditionally This boolean field is returned as true if the Business Seller provides legal invoices to buyers.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This free-form text field provides the Business Seller's terms and conditions for doing business. This field is returned if available.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This field shows the Trade Registration Number for the Business Seller.

IncludeSelector: Details
VATDetailsType Conditionally This container provides Value-Added Tax (VAT) details for the Business Seller, including the seller's VAT ID and the VAT percentage rate applicable to the item. VAT is similar to a sales and/or consumption tax, and it is only applicable to sellers selling on European sites.

IncludeSelector: Details
boolean Conditionally This field is only returned if set on the listing, and the person making the call owns the listing.

IncludeSelector: Details
boolean Conditionally This field is only returned if 'true', and the person making the call owns the listing. The 'Restricted to Business' feature can only be used by registered business sellers on the German, Austrian, and Swiss marketplaces, and only in listing categories that support 'Business-to-Business' listings. In a 'Business-to-Business' listing, the seller restricts sales of their item to users registered on eBay as business users.

The GetCategories Trading API call can be used by the seller (using the eBay marketplace's Site ID value) to see which categories support Business-to-Business listings. A B2BVATEnabled boolean field will be returned as true if a listing category supports Business-to-Business listings.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This is the unique VAT identifier associated with the Business Seller's account. This field will only be returned to Business Sellers who own the specified listing.

Non-Business Sellers will not have a VAT identifier associated with their account, so this field will never be returned for those users.

IncludeSelector: Details
float Conditionally This container shows the VAT (Value-added Tax) percentage rate that will be charged to buyers when an item is purchased from the listing.

VAT is not applicable to all countries, including the US. Allowed VAT percentage rates can vary by region/country, so sellers should be aware of the rates they are legally required/allowed to charge, and they are responsible for charging the correct VAT rate.

If VAT is charged on a listing, the seller can choose to print an invoice for the buyer that shows the item's net price, the VAT percentage rate, the VAT amount, and the total price.

This field is returned only if the listing is subject to VAT.

Note: The float value input into an Add/Revise/Relist call can have up to three digits beyond the decimal point (e.g. 12.346).

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This string value is the Site ID value of the eBay Marketplace where the VAT is applicable and where the seller is registered as a Business Seller.

The eBay sites that support VAT (and their corresponding Site IDs) can be found in the Business Feature Field Differences topic.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.BuyItNowAvailable boolean Conditionally This field is only returned if the Buy It Now feature is enabled and available on an active auction listing. This field is only returned if true. With the Buy It Now feature, interested buyers have the option of bypassing the auction procedure, and purchasing the item immediately at the price shown in the BuyItNowPrice field (or in the ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field for international buyers.

Once a qualifying bid is made on an auction listing, the Buy It Now feature ceases being an option to interested buyers, and the BuyItNowAvailable field will no longer be returned for the active auction listing.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.BuyItNowPrice AmountType (double) Conditionally This field is only returned if a seller enabled an auction listing with the Buy It Now feature. Sellers have the option of enabling the Buy It Now feature on auction listings. The price in this field is the price that an interested buyer has to pay if that buyer wishes to bypass the auction procedure, and purchase the item immediately. The price in the field reflects the currency used in the eBay site's country. If an interested international buyer wants to view the Buy It Now price in their country's currency, that buyer should view the ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field instead.

Once a qualifying bid is made on an auction listing, the Buy It Now feature ceases being an option to interested buyers. Note that it is possible that the BuyItNowPrice field may still get returned even after the Buy It Now feature is disabled, but the BuyItNowAvailable field should stop getting returned, since that field is only returned when true.

To see the fixed price for a fixed-price or classified ad listing, or the starting/current bid price for an auction listing, see the CurrentPrice or ConvertedCurrentPrice fields instead.

IncludeSelector: Details

    (eBay Help) Buy It Now in auction listings

Item.Charity CharityType Conditionally This container is returned if any percentage of the sales proceeds is going to a nonprofit organization that is registered with eBay for Charity. This container consists of details related to the nonprofit charity organization, including the name, mission, and unique identifier of the charity, as well as the percentage rate of the sale proceeds that will go to the charity for each sale.

This container is not returned for non-charitable listings.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Charity.CharityID string Conditionally The unique identifier that eBay creates and assigns to each charitable organization that is registered with eBay for Charity. This is the unique identifier that should be used if the user wishes to retrieve more details on a charitable organization by using the getCharityOrg method of the Charity API or the GetCharities call of the Trading API.

This identifier is also used by a seller in an Add/Revise/Relist call when they want to identify the charitable organization that will receive sales proceeds for a listing.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Charity.CharityName string Conditionally The name of the charitable organization selected by the seller to receive sales proceeds for the listing.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Charity.DonationPercent float Conditionally The percentage of the purchase price that the seller chooses to donate to the selected charitable organization. This percentage is also displayed in the View Item page for the listing. Possible values range from 10.0 to 100.0 (percent), in 5 percent increments. A seller is required to set a donation percentage at listing time, so this field should always be returned for charity listings.

IncludeSelector: Details

    eBay for Charity home page
    Buying on eBay to benefit nonprofit organizations

Item.Charity.LogoURL string Conditionally The full URL to the nonprofit organization's logo image file. This logo image file is the image that is displayed in all eBay listings that benefit that charity. This field is returned as long as it is defined for the nonprofit organization.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Charity.Mission string Conditionally The stated mission of the nonprofit organization. The length of the mission statement can vary by organization. This field is returned as long as it is defined for the nonprofit organization.
Max length: 511.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Charity.Status CharityStatusCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates whether or not the nonprofit organization is a valid eBay for Charity organization, and is able to receive proceeds from eBay sales.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The specified nonprofit charity organization is no longer a valid nonprofit charity organization according to the requirements of the PayPal Giving Fund.
(out) The specified nonprofit charity organization is a valid nonprofit charity organization according to the requirements of the PayPal Giving Fund.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.ConditionDescription string Conditionally This string field is used by the seller to more clearly describe the condition of items that are not brand new.

The ConditionDescription field is available for all categories, including categories where the condition type is not applicable (e.g., Antiques). This field is applicable for all item conditions except "New", "Brand New", "New with tags", and "New in box". If ConditionDescription is used with these conditions (Condition IDs 1000-1499), eBay will simply ignore this field if included, and eBay will return a warning message to the user.

This field should only be used to further clarify the condition of the used item. For example, "The right leg of the chair has a small scratch, and on the seat back there is a light blue stain about the shape and size of a coin." It should not be used for branding, promotions, shipping, returns, payment or other information unrelated to the condition of the item. Make sure that the condition type (Item.ConditionID), condition description, item description (Item.Description), and the listing's pictures do not contradict one another.

The ConditionDescription field is only returned if a condition description is specified in the listing.
Max length: 1000.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.ConditionDisplayName string Conditionally The user-friendly display name for the item condition, such as New, Like New Used, or Good. Display names are localized for the site on which they're listed (not necessarily the site on which they're viewed).

ConditionDisplayName values all map to ConditionID values, but keep in mind that based on the eBay category, some item conditions can have the same ConditionID, but a slightly different ConditionDisplayName. For example, a ConditionID value of 1000 typically indicates an item in new condtion, but the text displayed in the ConditionDisplayName can be just New, or some categories will show Brand New, New with tags, or New with box.

This field will get returned for most listings since most eBay listing categories require an item condition, but this field may not get returned for listings in eBay categories that don't require an item condition. A ConditionDisplayName value always maps to a text-based description of the condition, and this Condition ID is shown in the ConditionID field.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.ConditionID int Conditionally A numeric identifier that represents the condition of an item. These numeric IDs can vary by eBay category, but many are the same across categories. For example, 1000 indicates an item in New condition, 3000 indicates an item in Used condition, and 5000 indicates an item in Good condition.

This field will get returned for most listings since most eBay listing categories require an item condition, but this field may not get returned for listings in eBay categories that don't require an item condition. A ConditionID value always maps to a text-based description of the condition, and this display text is shown in the ConditionDisplayName field.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice AmountType (double) Conditionally This field is only returned if a seller enabled an auction listing with the Buy It Now feature. Sellers have the option of enabling the Buy It Now feature on auction listings. The price in this field is the price that an interested buyer has to pay if that buyer wishes to bypass the auction procedure, and purchase the item immediately. The price in the field reflects the currency used in the buyer's country. This value and the BuyItNowPrice will be the same for domestic buyers (for example, a US buyer purchasing an item on the US site).

Once a qualifying bid is made on an auction listing, the Buy It Now feature ceases being an option to interested buyers. Note that it is possible that the ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field may still get returned even after the Buy It Now feature is disabled, but the BuyItNowAvailable field should stop getting returned, since that field is only returned when true.

To see the fixed price for a fixed-price or classified ad listing, or the starting/current bid price for an auction listing, see the ConvertedCurrentPrice or CurrentPrice fields instead.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)

    (eBay Help) Buy It Now in auction listings

Item.ConvertedCurrentPrice AmountType (double) Always In a fixed-price or classified ad listing, this price is the current price of the item, shown in the currency of the user's country. In an active auction listing, this field's value reflects the current bid price for the auction item, so any submitted bids must be above this value. If the Buy It Now feature is available for an auction item (look for BuyItNowAvailable field), the user will want to look at the ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field instead if that user is interested in skipping the auction process and buying that item immediately.

Note: If the user retrieves a multiple-variation listing, and the IncludeSelector filter is set to Variations, the ConvertedCurrentPrice field is still returned, but its value will reflect the lowest-priced item variation. So, if the multiple-variation listing has item variations priced from 7.99 to 12.99, the ConvertedCurrentPrice field's value will show '7.99'. If the price of all item variations are the same, the ConvertedCurrentPrice field value will be accurate, but it is recommended that the user scan down to individual Variation.StartPrice fields to get the accurate price for all item variations.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)


Item.Country CountryCodeType Always A two-letter code that represents the country in which the item is located.

To see the list of currently supported country codes, and the English names associated with each code (e.g., KY="Cayman Islands"), call the Trading API's GeteBayDetails, with DetailName set to CountryDetails, and then look for CountryDetails.Country fields in the response.

Most of the codes that eBay uses conform to the ISO 3166 standard, but some of the codes in the ISO 3166 standard are not used by eBay. Plus, there are some non-ISO codes in the eBay list.

Note: The CountryCodeType list is only a subset of all supported country codes, so to ensure that you are seeing the latest list, you should make a GeteBayDetails call as explained above.

Applicable values: See Country.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.CurrentPrice AmountType (double) Conditionally In a fixed-price or classified ad listing, this price is the current price of the item, shown in the currency of the listing site's country. In an active auction listing, this field's value reflects the current bid price for the auction item, so any submitted bids must be above this value. If the Buy It Now feature is available for an auction item (look for BuyItNowAvailable field), the user will want to look at the ConvertedBuyItNowPrice (or ConvertedBuyItNowPrice) field instead if that user is interested in skipping the auction process and buying that item immediately.

This field is only returned if the IncludeSelector field is included and set to Details. Alternatively, the user can view the ConvertedCurrentPrice field, as this field shows the price in the currency of the user's country, and it is always returned.

Note: If the user retrieves a multiple-variation listing, and the IncludeSelector filter is set to Variations, the CurrentPrice is not returned, but the ConvertedCurrentPrice field is returned, but its value will reflect the lowest-priced item variation. So, if the multiple-variation listing has item variations priced from 7.99 to 12.99, the ConvertedCurrentPrice field's value will show '7.99'. If the price of all item variations are the same, the ConvertedCurrentPrice field value will be accurate, but it is recommended that the user scan down to individual Variation.StartPrice fields to get the accurate price for all item variations.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Description string Conditionally The seller's description of the listing. This field is only returned if the IncludeSelector field is included in the call request, and its value is set to either TextDescription or Description. If the Description value is used, the full description is returned, with all HTML, XML, or CSS markup used in the listing (if any) by the seller. To only view the actual text of the listing description (no markup tags), the TextDescription value shall be used instead.
Max length: 500000 (including any HTML, XML, CSS, etc. markup).

IncludeSelector: Description, TextDescription
Item.DiscountPriceInfo DiscountPriceInfoType Conditionally This container provides information for an item that has a Strikethrough Price (STP) or a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) discount pricing treatment. STP and MAP apply only to fixed-price listings. STP is available on the US, eBay Motors, UK, Germany, Canada (English and French), France, Italy, and Spain sites, while MAP is available only on the US site.

Discount pricing is available to qualified sellers (and their associated developers) who participate in the Discount Pricing Program. Once qualified, sellers receive a "special account flag" (SAF) that allows them to apply Discount Pricing to both single-variation and multi-variation listings.

IncludeSelector: Details
AmountType (double) Conditionally A value equal to the agreed upon minimum advertised price.

The minimum advertised price is an agreed upon price that is set by the suppliers/OEMs and the retailers/sellers. The minimum advertised price is the lowest price for which an item can be advertised. Large volume sellers can negotiate with the suppliers/OEMs to offer certain items below the set minimum advertised price. eBay does not maintain or validate the agreed upon minimum advertised price; the seller is responsible for setting this value in accordance with their agreement with the supplier/OEMs. MAP pricing treatments apply to only fixed-price, listings on the eBay US site.
MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposureCodeType Conditionally This field is only returned for US-based listings eligible for, and using the MAP feature. The enumeration value returned in this field indicates how/when the Minimum Advertised Price will be displayed to the buyer. See the descriptions for each enumeration value for more information.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the discounted price will only be shown to the buyer once the buyer reaches the eBay Checkout page.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the discounted price is shown on the View Item page, and the buyer is not required to add the item to his/her cart or click Buy button to view the discounted price.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the buyer must add the item to his/her cart before the discounted price can be displayed.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field specifies the price to which the discounted-price display treatment will be applied (for example, a strikethrough price). The discounted price of an item is shown in the CurrentPrice field, and is always less than the value in this field.

See Displaying Discount Pricing Information to Buyers for guidelines on displaying STP and MAP items.

PricingTreatmentCodeType Conditionally This field denotes whether or not an item qualifies for a discount pricing treatment display, such as STP or MAP. If this field is set to MAP, you must abide by the rules for displaying MAP items, as described in the MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure field.

Important: For listings that return PricingTreatment set to MAP, you are legally required to follow the rules for displaying the price of the item to potential buyers. You are bound by the terms of the API License Agreement to follow these rules. Refer to the API License Agreement for consequences of non-compliance.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that Minimum Advertised Pricing is enabled for the order line item. If this value is returned, the minimum advertised price is found in the MinimumAdvertisedPrice field.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that neither Strikethrough Pricing or Minimum Advertised Pricing is enabled for the order line item.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that Strikethrough Pricing is enabled for the order line item. If this value is returned, the price in the OriginalRetailPrice field will be crossed out in the View Item page.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
boolean Conditionally Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this field indicates that the discount price (shown in CurrentPrice field) is the price for which the seller offered the same item for sale on a web site or offline store other than eBay in the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the seller's own price for the item.

In the event both SoldOffeBay and SoldOneBay fields are set, SoldOneBay takes precedence.
boolean Conditionally Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this field indicates that the discount price (shown in CurrentPrice field) is the price for which the seller offered the same (or similar) item for sale on eBay within the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the seller's own price for the item.

In the event both SoldOffeBay and SoldOneBay fields are set, SoldOneBay takes precedence.
Item.EligibleForPickupDropOff boolean Conditionally This boolean field is returned as true if the listing category supports 'Click and Collect' listings. A true value does not necessarily mean that the seller has enabled the item with the Click and Collect feature. A listing is enabled with the Click and Collect feature if the AvailableForPickupDropOff field is returned as true.

With Click and Collect, buyers are able to purchase from thousands of sellers on the eBay UK, Australia, and Germany sites, and then pick up their order from the nearest 'eBay Collection Point', including over 750 Argos stores in the UK. The Click and Collect feature is only available on the eBay UK, Australia, and Germany sites. For more information about Click and Collect, see the Click and Collect home page on the eBay UK site, the Click and Collect home page on the eBay Australia site, or the Click and Collect home page on the eBay Germany site.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.EndTime dateTime Always For active listings, this timestamp indicates the date and time when the listing is scheduled to end, and for recently ended listings, this timestamp indicates the date and time when the listing actually ended.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.ExcludeShipToLocation string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
An ExcludeShipToLocation field is returned for each geographical region, country, state/province, city, or other special domestic location that the seller has added to their 'Excluded shipping locations' list. Sellers can exclude shipping locations through the Shipping preferences in My eBay, through a Shipping Business Policy that is associated with the listing, or through an Add/Revise/Relist call in the Trading API. Buyers in excluded shipping locations will be blocked from buying the item. If a seller has not created an 'Exclusion list' through any of the three means discussion below, no ExcludeShipToLocation fields are returned.

Geographical regions include the continents, as well as other geographical regions like the 'Middle East' or 'Southeast Asia'. Individual countries are represented by the two-digit ISO 3166-1 values. Special domestic regions will vary by country, but for the US, these value include 'Alaska/Hawaii', 'US Protectorates', and 'PO Boxes'.

This field works in conjunction with Item.ShipToLocations to create a set of international countries and regions to where the seler will, and will not, ship. These values should not contradict one another.

DetailLevel: Details
Item.GalleryURL anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL to the thumbnail-size image of the listing's Gallery picture. The 'Gallery Picture' is the picture that displays by default when a user first visits a listing's View Item page.

eBay listing images must be one of the following image formats: JPEG, BMP, TIF, or GIF.

This field is generally always returned as long as the seller is using eBay's picture server (also known as EPS) to host the listing's images.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.GlobalShipping boolean Conditionally This boolean field is returned as true if eBay's Global Shipping Program is an option for international shipping. With eBay's Global Shipping Program, the seller ships the item to that country's eBay shipping partner, and then eBay's shipping partner handles all aspects of the international leg of the shipment, including any export or import charges.

In addition to making the Global Shipping Program available for international shipment, the seller can also specify up to four other international shipping service options. This may be necessay if the shipment is going to a country where the Global Shipping Program is not available.

If the value of GlobalShipping is false, the seller is responsible for specifying one or more international shipping service options to serve those countries that the seller is willing to ship items.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.HandlingTime int Conditionally Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. Typically, the seller's stated handling time ranges from zero to three business days. This time does not include the expected transit time of the shipping service option selected by the buyer.

GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems returns HandlingTime in most cases, but there may be instances where the seller has not specified any shipping service options, or the the type of listing or eBay category does not require a handling time. For example, handling time is not relevant for 'local pickup' only, for freight shipping, or for classified ad listings where the transaction and delivery/shipping happens off of eBay's platform.

A HandlingTime value of 0 indicates same business day handling for an item. In this case, the seller's shipping commitment depends on the order cut off time set in the seller's My eBay Shipping preferences. The buyer must purchase and pay for the order line item before this order cut off time in order for the seller to be obligated to ship out the order on that same business day. A different cutoff time can be specified for each business day of the week. By default, the order cut off time is set to 2:00 PM local time on most sites, but the seller can change the times for any of the business days. For orders completed after the order cut off time, the item must be shipped by the end of the following business day (weekends and local holidays excluded).

IncludeSelector: Details

See Handling Time and Estimated Delivery Time for details about same day handling and default cutoff times.

Item.HighBidder SimpleUserType Conditionally This container provides a few details about the current high bidder for an active auction listing, or the winning bidder for a completed auction listing. This container is only returned for auction listings with at least one bid, and only if the IncludeSelector filter is included in the request and set to Details. The high bidder details include the bidder's eBay user ID and Feedback Score. For the GetItemStatus call, only the eBay user ID is returned.

Note: The eBay user ID and the Feedback data will actually be obfuscated to all users except for the owner (seller) of the listing, so essentially, the HighBidder container only has value to the seller of the listing.

IncludeSelector: Details
boolean Conditionally This boolean value indicates whether or not the eBay user has chosen to make their Feedback Profile private in My eBay. A private Feedback Profile only means that individual Feedback comments are hidden, but other Feedback statistics will still be displayed, including the total Feedback score and the Positive Feedback Percentage.

Sellers on eBay marketplaces do not have the option of making their Feedback Profile private, and they will be blocked from listing if they try to list items with a private Feedback Profile.

IncludeSelector: Details
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the eBay user's Feedback Rating Star. A different colored star is associated with each Feedback Score range. For more details on the Feedback Score ranges (and colored stars associated with each range), see FeedbackRatingStarCodeType.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.HighBidder.FeedbackScore int Conditionally The aggregate Feedback score of an eBay user. A user's Feedback score is determined by the total number of Positive Feedback ratings minus the total number of Negative Feedback ratings the user has received. Any Neutral Feedback ratings do not affect the Feedback Score.

A user's Feedback Score is a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with that user as a buyer or a seller. A buyer can leave Positive, Neutral, or Negative Feedback for the seller, but a seller can only leave Positive Feedback for the buyer.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.HighBidder.UserAnonymized boolean Conditionally Indicates whether eBay has made this user's information anonymous.

If true, certain other fields about this user are not returned, or their values are masked.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.HighBidder.UserID string Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay user. An eBay user ID is unique across all eBay marketplaces.

This field is generally always returned, but it may be masked depending on the situation. For example, if anyone other than the seller of the listing runs a GetItemStatus call on an active auction listing with one or or bids, the UserID value will be masked something like this - b***r.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.HitCount long Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1247. No longer functional.
THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED. Hit counters are no longer displayed in View Item pages, so this field is no longer applicable and is scheduled for decommission.

For developers/sellers who are interested in seeing page views and listing performance, the getTrafficReport method of the Sell Analytics API can be used.

Until this field is decommissioned, it will still be returned in GetSingleItem and GetMultipleItems.

IncludeSelector: Details
Deprecation version: 1247. See also Deprecated Objects.
Item.IgnoreQuantity boolean Conditionally This field is only be returned (as true) in the case where an order line item in a listing is only available to buyers through a local fulfillment method such as In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. And if a listing is truly a local fulfillment only listing, the value in the Item.Quantity field (for single-variation listings) or the Variation.Quantity field (for multi-variation listings) defaults to 0 even though the quantity available is technically not zero, since the order line item in the listing is still available through one or more local fulfillment methods.

IncludeSelector: Details
boolean Conditionally This field is no longer applicable as eBay sellers can no longer use iMCC gateway accounts to handle buyer payments.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.ItemID string Always The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This will be the same ItemID value that is passed into the call request.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.ItemSpecifics NameValueListArrayType Conditionally This container is a list of Item Specific name-value pairs used by the seller to provide desciptive details of an item in a structured manner. Depending on the eBay category, some Item Specifics are mandatory (including some GTIN values), some are recommended by eBay, and some are fully optional to the seller. A full set of helpful, accurate Item Specifics are always helpful to prospective buyers in assisting them to find and purchase the right product.

A book's Item Specifics name-value pairs might include Publication Year=2017 and Format=Hardcover. A motor vehicle's Item Specifics name-value pairs might include Make= Toyota, Model=Prius, and Year=2017. An event listing's Item Specifics name-value pairs might include Event Type=Concert and Venue Name=The Fillmore.

In order for Item Specifics to be returned, the IncludeSelector must be included in the call request and set to ItemSpecifics. Most eBay listings will include at least a few Item Specifics.

IncludeSelector: ItemSpecifics
NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This list is an array of Item Specifics name-value pairs for an eBay Catalog product (if FindProducts is used) or Item Specifics name-value pairs for a single-variation listing or individual variation within a multiple-variation listing (if GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems is used).

For example, Item Specifics for a motor vehicle might include a field like Make=Toyota (where Make is returned in Name field, and Toyota is returned in Value field) and Model=Prius (where Model is returned in Name field, and Prius is returned in Value field).

In multiple-variation listings, the same name cannot appear in both the ItemSpecifics node and Variation.VariationSpecifics nodes. Common aspects for all variations within the multiple-variation listings will appear in the ItemSpecifics node, and aspects unique to individual variations within the multiple-variation listings will appear in the Variation.VariationSpecifics nodes.

For GetSingleItem, the user can use the NameValueList container in the call input to identify one or more variations to retrieve from a specific multiple-variation listing.

IncludeSelector: ItemSpecifics
string Conditionally The name of the Item Specific for either an eBay Catalog Product (FindProducts call only), a single-variation listing, and individual variation within a multiple-variation listing, or a Parts Compatibility aspect for a motor vehicle part or accessory listing.

Note: To control the data that is returned in a GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems response, the IncludeSelector filter should be included. To see listing-level Item Specifics, include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to ItemSpecifics. To see variation-level Item Specifics (only applicable for multiple-variation listings), include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to Variations. To see Parts Compatibility name/value pairs (only applicable for motor vehicle part or accessory listings with a compatible vehicle list), include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to Compatibility.

IncludeSelector: ItemSpecifics
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The corresponding value of an Item Specific for either an eBay Catalog Product (FindProducts call only), a single-variation listing, an individual variation within a multiple-variation listing, or a Parts Compatibility aspect for a motor vehicle part or accessory listing.

IncludeSelector: ItemSpecifics
Item.ListingStatus ListingStatusCodeType Always This enumeration value indicates the current status of the listing. The three different listing states are discussed below.

Applicable values:

(out) This enumeration value indicates that the listing is still active. A multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing is considered active until the quantity available is '0', or the listing's scheduled end time has passed.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the listing has ended and eBay has completed processing any sales/winning bids, and the calculation of the seller's Final Value Fee.
(out) This enumeration is reserved for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the listing has ended and eBay has completed processing any sales/winning bids. The next state after 'Ended' is 'Completed'.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.ListingType ListingTypeCodeType Always The enumeration value in this field indicates the format of the listing, such as auction, fixed-price, or classified ad format. See the ListingTypeCodeType definition to view the supported enumeration values.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.Location string Always The text string in this field provides the physical location of the item. Generally, this text will show the city and state/province of the item's location, but it may vary, and sometimes only a city will appear, or sometimes acronymns will be used, and other times the full city and state will be spelled out. This gives the buyer a general indication of where the item will be shipped from, and if calculated shipping is used, shipping charges may be higher the further away that the buyer resides from the shipping location.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.LotSize int Conditionally A lot is a collection or set of two or more similar or identical items that must be purchased together in a single transaction, through an auction or a fixed-price listing. Examples of lot-based listings may include a collection of baby clothes, a collection of books or magazines, or a set of identical items such as batteries or light bulbs. The LotSize is the number of items in the lot.

A fixed-price listing can have multiple lots available for purchase, but if this is the case, each lot available in that listing should be identical (instead of a mixed collection of items). So, if a fixed-price listing has multiple lots available for purchase, the number of lots available for purchase is shown in the Item.Quantity field.

Not all eBay listing categories support lot-based listings. To see which eBay listing categories do not support lot-based listing, a user can use the Trading API's GetCategories call and then look for any Category.LSD tags (with value of true) that are returned in the response.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.MinimumToBid AmountType (double) Conditionally This field is only returned for auction listings. The value in this field is the minimum value that the next bid on the item must be to be accepted. If no bids have been placed on the item, the value in this field will be the same value that is returned in the Item.ConvertedCurrentPrice field.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.PaymentAllowedSite SiteCodeType Always,
repeatable: [1..*]
Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased, based on the payment methods offered for the item.

Applicable values: See PaymentAllowedSite.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.PaymentMethods BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Identifies the payment method(s) that are available to a buyer to purchase the order line item.

Applicable values:

(out) This enumeration value is returned in a PaymentMethods field if 'Cash on Pickup' is accepted as a form of payment for the order line item. This payment method is only applicable if the buyer and seller will be handling payment offline.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This enumeration value is returned in a PaymentMethods field if a money order or cashier's check is accepted as a form of payment for the order line item. This payment method is only applicable if the buyer and seller will be handling payment offline.
(out) This enumeration value is returned in a PaymentMethods field if a personal check is accepted as a form of payment for the order line item. This payment method is only applicable if the buyer and seller will be handling payment offline.

(Not all values in BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.PictureURL anyURI Always,
repeatable: [1..24]
This field shows the URL to a full-size version of one image associated with the eBay listing. A PictureURL field is returned for each image in the eBay listing. At least one PictureURL field is always returned since every eBay listing must have at least one picture.

Many eBay categories support up to 12 pictures, and motor vehicle categories support up to 24 pictures.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.PostalCode string Conditionally This string value is the postal code (or zip code) of the item's physical location. Knowing the location gives the buyer a general indication of where the item will be shipped from, and if calculated shipping is used, shipping charges may be higher the further away that the buyer resides from the shipping location.

Note: As of late January 2020, the displayed postal code returned in GetSingleItem and GetMultipleItems is now masked to all users except for the seller of the item. Different countries will mask postal/zip codes in slightly different ways, but an example would be 951**.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.PrimaryCategoryID string Always The unique identifier of the eBay listing's primary category. This field is always returned. Some listings are shown in an additional secondary category, and if this is the case, the unique identifier of the secondary category is shown in the SecondaryCategoryID field.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.PrimaryCategoryIDPath string Conditionally This field shows the full path to the primary listing category, starting with the Category ID of the Level 1 (L1) category, and all the way to primary listing category (also referred to as the leaf category). So, if the primary listing category is a Level 4 (L4) category, the Category ID path in this field might look like the following, where '6000' is the L1 category ID, and '6444' is the primary listing category ID:


IncludeSelector: Details
Item.PrimaryCategoryName string Always This string field shows the full category path (using category names) to the primary listing category, starting with the L1 category and ending with the name of the primary listing category. This is a fully qualified category breadcrumb (e.g., Cell Phones & Accessories:Cell Phones & Smartphones).

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.ProductID ProductIDType (string) Conditionally This field is no longer returned in the GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems calls. To view the eBay Product ID (also known as an ePID) or Global Trade Item Number (UPC, EAN, ISBN, or MPN) for a product in a listing (or product variation within a multiple-variation listing), use the Trading API's GetItem call instead.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Quantity int Conditionally The quantity of the item available for purchase when the seller created, revised, or relisted the item. An auction listing always has a Quantity value of 1, but a fixed-price listing can have multiple quantity of an item.

In a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the user must also look at the QuantitySold field, and if the value of this field is an integer value greater than '0', that integer value should be subtracted from the value in the Quantity field. So, if the Quantity field shows a value of '7', and the QuantitySold field shows a value of '3', the quantity available is actually '4' (7 - 3 = 4).

Note: The Quantity field is always returned except in the case of a multiple-variation listing, and the user sets the IncludeSelector filter to Variations. In this particular case, the (listing-level) Quantity field is not returned, and instead, the user will look at the Variation.Quantity and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold fields to get the quantity available for each item variation in the listing. If the user retrieves a multiple-variation listing, but does not set the IncludeSelector filter to Variations, the listing-level Quantity and QuantitySold fields are returned, and these fields' values will be the cumulative values of all item variations in the listing.
Note: As mentioned earlier, an auction listing can only have a quantity of '1', but a lot-based auction listing can have multiple identical/similar items sold as one unit for one price. For example, instead of listing 10 light bulbs for US 2.00 each, they might list 10 light bulbs for USD 20.00 (where you have to buy all 10). For lot-based listings (which are also supported by the fixed-price format), the number of identical/similar items in the 'lot' is shown in the LotSize field. The seller is also expected to summarize all items in the lot in the Description field.

IncludeSelector: Details

See Item.ListingType.

Item.QuantityAvailableHint QuantityAvailableHintCodeType Conditionally The enumeration returned in this field indicates if the listing displays a 'quantity available' hint on the View Item page. For example, the View Item page may say 'Limited quantity available', or it may say 'More than 10 available'. It is up to the seller of the listing whether or not to included a 'quantity available' hint in the listing. The 'quantity available' feature is used by the seller that prefers not to show the actual quantity available for purchase.

This field is only applicable to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings, and will only be returned if the seller set this feature on the listing.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the message on the View Item page is "Limited quantity available", based on a quantity threshold.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the message on the View Item page is "More than 10 available", as long as there is more than a quantity of 10 order line items available.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.QuantityInfo QuantityInfo Conditionally This container consists of the MinimumRemnantSet field, which indicates the minimum amount of event tickets that can remain in the fixed-price listing's inventory after a buyer purchases one or more tickets (but not all) from the listing.

This field is currently only applicable for event ticket listings in US and CA, but may apply to other categories in the future. It is only returned if set by the seller in the listing.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
int Conditionally This field indicates the minimum ticket quantity that must remain after a buyer purchases one or more (but not all) tickets in an event-based listing. This feature helps the seller avoid the scenario of being left with only one ticket in a multiple-quantity, fixed-priced event-based listing. In some cases, a solo seat to an event can be harder to sell, especially as the event date approaches.

Based on the value of MinimumRemnantSet and the listing's available quantity (Quantity-QuantitySold), eBay calculates the quantity of tickets that a buyer can purchase. For example, suppose a seller lists 5 tickets, and wants at least 2 tickets remaining for the final buyer to purchase. In this case, the seller would set MinimumRemnantSet to '2'. This means a buyer can purchase 1, 2, 3, or 5 tickets, but not 4 (because 4 would leave the seller with 1 ticket).

This field is currently only applicable for event ticket listings in the US and CA marketplaces, but may apply to other categories in the future. It is only returned if set by the seller in the listing.
Item.QuantitySold int Conditionally This integer value indicates the quantity of items sold for the listing. If the IncludeSelector filter is included in the request and set to Details, this field is always returned even if its value is '0'.

If the QuantitySold value is greater than '0', this value should be subtracted from the value in the Quantity field to get the accurate quantity that is available for purchase.

Note: If the IncludeSelector filter is included in the request and set to Details, but the retrieved listing is a multiple-variation listing, the Quantity and QuantitySold field values will reflect the quantity and quantity sold of all item variations in the listing. If a user wanted quantity available and quantity sold information on individual item variations, that user would set the IncludeSelector filter to Variations instead, and the user will look at the Variation.Quantity and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold fields to get the quantity available for each item variation in the listing.

IncludeSelector: Details
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the quantity of items sold for the listing through the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect option. If the IncludeSelector filter is included in the request and set to Details, this field is always returned even if its value is '0'.

If the QuantitySoldByPickupInStore value is greater than '0', this value (along with the value in QuantitySold) should be subtracted from the value in the Quantity field to get the accurate quantity that is available for purchase.

Note: If the IncludeSelector filter is included in the request and set to Details, but the retrieved listing is a multiple-variation listing, the Quantity, the QuantitySoldByPickupInStore, and QuantitySold field values will reflect the quantity and quantity sold of all item variations in the listing. If a user wanted quantity available and quantity sold information on individual item variations, that user would set the IncludeSelector filter to Variations instead, and the user will look at the Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySoldByPickupInStore fields to get the quantity sold for each item variation in the listing through the In-Store Pickup option.
Note: The In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.QuantityThreshold int Conditionally This field works together with the 'quantity available' feature. This integer value in this field controls whether the 'quantity available' hint on the View Item page will say 'Limited quantity available' or 'More than N available'. If this threshold value is '10', and the quantity available is any number more than 10, the 'quantity available' hint will read 'More than 10 available'. If the quantity available is '10' or less, the 'quantity available' hint will read 'Limited quantity available'.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.ReserveMet boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates if the current/highest bid price has matched or exceeded the price set as the Reserve Price by the seller. A Reserve Price is the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell the item through an auction. If the highest bid does not meet or exceed the Reserve Price, the auction listing will end without a sale (winning bidder) when the scheduled end time is reached.

The Reserve Price must be higher than the starting bid price, but lower than the Buy It Now price (if one is set). This field is only applicable to auction listings, and only returned for auction listings if the seller has set a Reserve Price.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.ReturnPolicy ReturnPolicyType Conditionally This container consists of details related to the seller's Return Policy, both for domestic and international buyers (if the seller ships internationally). If the seller does not accept returns, only the ReturnsAccepted field (or InternationalReturnsAccepted field for international buyers) is returned with a value of ReturnsNotAccepted. If a seller does accept returns, more details are returned, including the return period, the refund method, and the order partner (buyer or seller) who is responsible for return shipping costs. This container is only returned if the IncludeSelector field is included in the call request and set to Details.

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, the settings in the domestic return policy fields will be used instead for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.ReturnPolicy.Description string Conditionally This field contains the seller's detailed explanation for their Return Policy. This same description is displayed in the Return Policy section of the View Item page. A Return Policy description (and this field) is only supported in the following marketplaces:
  • Germany (DE)
  • Spain (ES)
  • France (FR)
  • Italy (IT)

Max length: 5000 (8000 for DE).

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This field indicates how the seller compensates international buyers for remorse returns. On many eBay marketplaces, 'Money Back' is the only option for domestic and international returns. The eBay US marketplace also allows sellers to offer buyers a 'Money Back Or Replacement' option, where the seller still wants the item they purchased, and prefers that the seller send an identical replacement item instead of a refund. This will typically happen if the originally purchased item arrived damaged or was missing parts.

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, this field is not returned, and the refund method in the Refund field will also apply for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This field is always returned with the ReturnPolicy container if the seller ships items to other countries, even if the seller does not accept returns for the item. If the value of this field is ReturnsNotAccepted, the seller does not accept international returns (except in the case of a defective item or 'significantly not as described' item). If the value of this field is ReturnsAccepted, the seller does accept international returns, and other fields under the ReturnPolicy container will state the length of the international return period, the refund method, and order partner that is responsible for return shipping costs.

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, this field is not returned, and the 'returns accepted' value in the ReturnsAccepted field will also apply for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The value in this field indicates the number of days that an international buyer has to return an item. The return period begins when the item is marked "delivered" at the buyer's specified ship-to location. Most marketplaces and categories support 30-day and 60-day return periods. The return period must be specified by the seller if that seller accepts international returns from countries they ship to (InternationalReturnsAcceptedOption=ReturnsAccepted).

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, this field is not returned, and the return period in the ReturnsWithin field will also apply for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This field specifies either the 'Buyer' or the 'Seller' as the party who pays for international return shipping costs. It is up to the seller to decide whether the buyer or seller pays for return shipping costs, but the seller does have an incentive to pay return shipping costs, as the listing will be marked in search results as having 'Free Returns' if the seller pays return shipping costs.

Note that the seller is always responsible for return shipping costs for SNAD-related issues, including defective items.

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, this field is not returned, and the return shipping cost payee in the ShippingCostPaidBy field will also apply for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.ReturnPolicy.Refund string Conditionally This field indicates how the seller compensates domestic buyers for remorse returns. On many eBay marketplaces, 'Money Back' is the only option for domestic and international returns. The eBay US marketplace also allows sellers to offer buyers a 'Money Back Or Replacement' option, where the seller still wants the item they purchased, and prefers that the seller send an identical replacement item instead of a refund. This will typically happen if the originally purchased item arrived damaged or was missing parts.

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, the refund method in this field will also apply for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This field is always returned with the ReturnPolicy container, even if the seller does not accept returns for the item. If the value of this field is ReturnsNotAccepted, the seller does not accept domestic returns (except in the case of a defective item or 'significantly not as described' item), and this field may be the only field returned under the ReturnPolicy container. If the value of this field is ReturnsAccepted, the seller does accept domestic returns, and other fields under the ReturnPolicy container will state the length of the return period, the refund method, and order partner that is responsible for return shipping costs.

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, the 'returns accepted' value in this field will also apply for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally The value in this field indicates the number of days that a domestic buyer has to return an item. The return period begins when the item is marked 'delivered' at the buyer's specified ship-to location. Most marketplaces and categories support 30-day and 60-day return periods. The return period must be specified by the seller if that seller accepts returns (ReturnsAcceptedOption=ReturnsAccepted).

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, the return period in this field will also apply for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
string Conditionally This field specifies either the 'Buyer' or the 'Seller' as the party who pays for domestic return shipping costs. It is up to the seller to decide whether the buyer or seller pays for return shipping costs, but the seller does have an incentive to pay return shipping costs, as the listing will be marked in search results as having 'Free Returns' if the seller pays return shipping costs.

Note that the seller is always responsible for return shipping costs for SNAD-related issues, including defective items.

Note: If the seller ships internationally, but did not specify a separate international return policy for the listing, the return shipping cost payee in this field will also apply for international returns.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.SecondaryCategoryID string Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing's secondary category. This field is only returned if the listing is surfacing in a secondary category. The listing's primary category is found in the PrimaryCategoryID field.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.SecondaryCategoryIDPath string Conditionally This field shows the full path to the secondary listing category, starting with the Category ID of the Level 1 (L1) category, and all the way to secondary listing category. This field is only returned if the listing is surfacing in a secondary category.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.SecondaryCategoryName string Conditionally This string field shows the full category path (using category names) to the secondary listing category, starting with the L1 category and ending with the name of the secondary listing category. This field is only returned if the listing is surfacing in a secondary category.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Seller SimpleUserType Conditionally This container provides a few details about the listing's seller, including the seller's eBay user ID, Feedback Score, and Positive Feedback Percentage. This container is only returned if IncludeSelector is included in the request and set to Details.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Seller.FeedbackRatingStar FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Always This enumeration value indicates the eBay user's Feedback Rating Star. A different colored star is associated with each Feedback Score range. For more details on the Feedback Score ranges (and colored stars associated with each range), see FeedbackRatingStarCodeType.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Seller.FeedbackScore int Always The aggregate Feedback score of an eBay user. A user's Feedback score is determined by the total number of Positive Feedback ratings minus the total number of Negative Feedback ratings the user has received. Any Neutral Feedback ratings do not affect the Feedback Score.

A user's Feedback Score is a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with that user as a buyer or a seller. A buyer can leave Positive, Neutral, or Negative Feedback for the seller, but a seller can only leave Positive Feedback for the buyer.

IncludeSelector: Details
float Always This value is the percentage value of a seller's Feedback entries that were marked by buyer's as 'Positive'. This number is calculated by dividing the total number of Feedback entries left for the seller (Positive, Neutral, and Negative) by only the seller's 'Positive' Feedback ratings.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Seller.TopRatedSeller boolean Conditionally This boolean field is only returned if true, and indicates if the eBay user has Top-Rated Seller status. Top-Rated sellers are eligible to get the 'Top-Rated Plus' badge on all of their active listings (meeting Top-Rated Plus requirements), and qualify for other benefits such as Final Value Fee discounts and increased visibility in search results.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Seller.UserID string Always The unique identifier of the eBay user. An eBay user ID is unique across all eBay marketplaces.

This field is generally always returned, but it may be masked depending on the situation. For example, if anyone other than the seller of the listing runs a GetItemStatus call on an active auction listing with one or or bids, the UserID value will be masked something like this - b***r.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.ShippingCostSummary ShippingCostSummaryType Always This container returns a few details of the lowest-priced shipping service option that is available to the eBay user making the call. For Calculated shipping, the item's location and the destination location are considered when calculating the shipping cost.

Important: To retrieve detailed information on every shipping service option available that the seller has set for the listing, the GetShippingCosts call is the better call to use, as the GetSingleItem and GetMultipleItems calls only return the ShippingCostSummary container.

IncludeSelector: ShippingCosts

See GetShippingCosts.

AmountType (double) Conditionally This is the localized cost to ship the item using the cheapest available domestic or international shipping service option. If the item is located in Germany, but the shipping destination is the US, this field will show the cost in Euros (EUR) and the ShippingServiceCost will show the cost in US dollars (USD).

For GetShippingCosts call, this is the localized base shipping cost to ship the item using the shipping service option in the ShippingServiceName field. The quantity specified in the QuantitySold field in the call request is taken into account when calculating the cost.

For GetSingleItem and GetMultipleItems calls, this is the localized base shipping cost of the cheapest available shipping service option to the country specified in the Site-ID header. The name of the shipping service option is not returned for these calls.

IncludeSelector: ShippingCosts
boolean Conditionally This field is only returned (as true) if 'Local Pickup' is the only available logistic option (no shipping options). With 'Local Pickup', the seller and buyer arrange the pickup location and time (off of the eBay platform).

IncludeSelector: ShippingCosts
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field shows the base shipping cost using the lowest-priced shipping service option that is available to the eBay user making the call.

For GetShippingCosts call, this is base shipping cost to ship the item using the shipping service option in the ShippingServiceName field. The quantity specified in the QuantitySold field in the call request is taken into account when calculating the cost.

For GetSingleItem and GetMultipleItems calls, this is base shipping cost of the cheapest available domestic shipping service option. The name of the shipping service option is not returned for these calls.

IncludeSelector: ShippingCosts
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the shipping cost model associated with the lowest-priced shipping service option that is available to the eBay user making the call. Examples of shipping cost models include flat-rate and calculated shipping.

For GetShippingCosts call, this is the shipping cost model associated with the shipping service option in the ShippingServiceName field. The name of the shipping service option is not returned for the GetSingleItem and GetMultipleItems calls calls.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: ShippingCosts
Item.ShipToLocations string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A ShipToLocations field is returned for each domestic or international region that the seller is willing to ship the item. At least one ShipToLocations field should be returned for every listing. 'Ship-to' locations and excluded shipping locations are set by the seller through Shipping Rate Tables in My eBay, through a Shipping/Fulfillment Business Policy associated with a listing, or through the ShipToLocations and ExcludeShipToLocation fields in an Add/Revise/Relist call in the Trading API.

'Ship-to' locations range from continents and other large geographical regions, such as Africa, Asia, Caribbean, or MiddleEast, all the way down to the state/province level and even cities within those state/provinces. A user will be able to see the international and domestic shipping regions that can be set by looking at the Shipping rate tables UI in My eBay. The Trading API's GeteBayDetails can also be used to view available shipping locations.

If a US seller only ships to domestic locations, the only ShipToLocations value that should be returned is US. If a US seller is willing to ship to any location in the world, the only ShipToLocations value that should be returned is Worldwide

Countries are represented by the two-digit codes defined in the ISO 3166 standard, or these codes can also be found in the CountryCodeType definition.

IncludeSelector: Details

See CountryCodeType.

Item.Site SiteCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the eBay marketplace on which the item was originally listed. For example, if the item is listed on the eBay US site, the value would be US. If it's listed on the eBay Germany site, the value would be Germany.

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.SKU string Conditionally A SKU (stock keeping unit) value is a seller-defined identifier of a product within their inventory. Some sellers use product SKUs to track complex flows of products and information on the client side. A seller can specify a SKU value for a product (or for all variations within a multiple-variation listing) when creating a listing. eBay preserves the SKU values, and the SKU value becomes another way to identify the product/listing, and another way to track orders associated with the SKU value.

A SKU is not required to be unique across an eBay marketplace, but a seller cannot have any active listings or variations within a multiple-variation listing that have the same SKU value. The seller will be blocked from listing, revising, or relisting with a SKU value that is already associated with an active listing.

The SKU field, if defined for a single-variation listing, will be returned if the IncludeSelector field is set to Details. For multi-variation listings, the SKU value for each variation (if defined) will actually be returned in the Variation.SKU field, and to return variations data, the user must include the IncludeSelector field and set it to Variations.
Max length: 50.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.StartTime dateTime Conditionally This timestamp indicates the date and time when the listing started.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Storefront StorefrontType Conditionally This container consists of the eBay seller's store name and the URL to the eBay store. This container is returned if the seller has an eBay Store subscription and the IncludeSelector field is included in the call request and set to Details.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Storefront.StoreName string Always The name of the seller's eBay Store. This field is always returned with the Storefront container.
Max length: 200.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Storefront.StoreURL anyURI Always The URL of the seller's eBay Store. This field is always returned with the Storefront container.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.Subtitle string Conditionally The subtitle of the listing. This field is only returned if the seller included a subtitle for the listing and the IncludeSelector is included in the call request and set to Details.
Max length: 55.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.TimeLeft duration Always The value in this field indicates the precise time left before the listing is scheduled to end. The format used in this field is the format defined in the ISO 8601 duration format standard. See the duration simple type definition for more information on syntax/notation used for this type.

This field is always returned, even if the listing is in the Completed state. A completed/ended listing will essentially have 0 seconds left, so the Completed value will be PT0S, which indicates '0 seconds' left.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.Title string Always The listing title, as it appears in search results or on the View Item page.

Max length: 80.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.TopRatedListing boolean Conditionally This boolean field is returned as true if the listing was created by a Top-Rated Seller and the listing has all of the requirements that qualifies it as a Top-Rated Plus listing. The Top-Rated Seller program is only available on the US, UK, and Germany sites. See the Top-Rated Seller requirements help topic for more information on qualifying as a Top-Rated Seller and the Top-Rated Plus listing requirements help topic for more information on what a listing must offer to qualify as a Top-Rated Plus listing and get the Top-Rated Plus badge. Information on the overall program can be found on the Top-Rated Seller home page in the Seller Center.

This field is not returned if false.

IncludeSelector: Details
Item.UnitInfo UnitInfoType Conditionally Contains information about the weight, volume or other quantity measurement of a listed item so buyers can compare per-unit prices. The European Union requires listings for certain types of products to include the price per unit. eBay uses this information and the item's listed price to calculate and display the unit price on eBay EU sites.

Note: This information is currently required only for business sellers, and only for listings with a 'Buy It Now' option.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.UnitInfo.UnitQuantity double Conditionally Number of units of size, weight, volume or count of the specified unit type for the item. eBay divides the item price by this number to get the price per unit to be displayed in the item listing for comparison purposes.

This field is returned only when you provide IncludeSelector in the request and set it to ItemSpecifics.
Item.UnitInfo.UnitType string Conditionally Designation of size, weight, volume or count to be used to specify the unit quantity of the item. This value can be one of the following:
 Kg 100g 10g L 100ml 10ml M M2 M3 Unit 
This field is returned only when you provide IncludeSelector in the request and set it to ItemSpecifics.
Item.Variations VariationsType Conditionally This container is only returned for multiple-variation listings, and it is required that the user include the IncludeSelector field in the call request, and set its value to Variations. Multiple-variation listings are fixed-price listings that feature similar, but not identicial items. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand and style that vary by color and size (like Blue, Large and Black, Medium). Each variation in the listing specifies a unique combination of one of the available colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price.

IncludeSelector: Variations
Item.Variations.Pictures PicturesType Conditionally Contains a set of pictures that correspond to one of the variation specifics, such as 'Color'. For example, if a listing has blue and black color variations, a listing could specify the name 'Color' as an organizing mechanism for all the pictures, and then include a set of pictures for the blue variations and another set of pictures for the black variations.

Note: Only one Pictures node is currently returned for a listing. However, the node has been defined as unbounded (repeatable) in the schema to allow for different use cases for some calls or sites in the future.

IncludeSelector: Variations
string Conditionally This field defines the product aspect in which pictures in the listing will vary based on the individual variations. For example, if the product aspect in this field is Color, the picture URLs in each VariationSpecificPictureSet container would point to one or more pictures of the corresponding variation (defined in the VariationSpecificValue field).

IncludeSelector: Variations
VariationSpecificPictureSetType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A VariationSpecificPictureSet container is returned for each product variation for which there are one or more pictures available, helping buyers distinguish between the different variations in the listing. Pictures for multiple or all available variations can be included for a multiple-variation listing, but note that this is not a requirement for the seller. In other words, one multiple-variation listing might contain 10 different variations (varying by color), but the seller could choose to only include one or more pictures just for one particular color. However, the seller can make that listing more buyer-friendly if he/she provides pictures of all or most available colors.

IncludeSelector: Variations
anyURI Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The URL to one image of one variation of the multiple-variation listing. The image must be associated with the corresponding aspect name-value pair. So, if the corresponding VariationSpecificName value is 'Color', and the corresponding VariationSpecificValue value is 'Space Grey', each URL returned under the corresponding VariationSpecificPictureSet container should point to a picture that display the item in that particular color.

The URL(s) can point to an image (or images) stored on the eBay Picture Server, or it can be a URL to a self-hosted picture. Note that self-hosted pictures must be on a server that supports the 'https' protocol.

The first PictureURL shown in the response is the URL that is used as the 'Gallery URL' for that particular product variation.

IncludeSelector: Variations
string Conditionally This field shows the corresponding value of the product aspect that is shown in the the Variations.Pictures.VariationSpecificName field. For example, if the Variations.Pictures.VariationSpecificName value is 'Color', the value in this field will be one of the values that is shown in the Variations.VariationSpecificsSet.NameValueList container. So, if the Name field of that NameValueList container was 'Color', the value in the VariationSpecificPictureSet.VariationSpecificValue would have to be one of the defined colors for the multiple-variation listing.

IncludeSelector: Variations
Item.Variations.Variation VariationType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Contains data that distinguishes one variation from another. For example, if the items vary by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes. The quantity and price for each variation is also shown in the Variation container

IncludeSelector: Variations
DiscountPriceInfoType Conditionally This container provides information for a single variation (within a multiple-variation listing) that has a Strikethrough Price (STP) or a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) discount pricing treatment. STP and MAP apply only to fixed-price listings. STP is available on the US, eBay Motors, UK, Germany, Canada (English and French), France, Italy, and Spain sites, while MAP is available only on the US site.

Discount pricing is available to qualified sellers (and their associated developers) who participate in the Discount Pricing Program. Once qualified, sellers receive a 'special account flag' (SAF) that allows them to apply Discount Pricing to both single-variation and multi-variation items. STP is intended for eBay partners and their sellers only.

As a seller listing Discount Price items, you are required to maintain records of your discount pricing in the event you are called upon to substantiate your item pricing.

See Displaying Discount Pricing Information to Buyers.

AmountType (double) Conditionally A value equal to the agreed upon minimum advertised price.

The minimum advertised price is an agreed upon price that is set by the suppliers/OEMs and the retailers/sellers. The minimum advertised price is the lowest price for which an item can be advertised. Large volume sellers can negotiate with the suppliers/OEMs to offer certain items below the set minimum advertised price. eBay does not maintain or validate the agreed upon minimum advertised price; the seller is responsible for setting this value in accordance with their agreement with the supplier/OEMs. MAP pricing treatments apply to only fixed-price, listings on the eBay US site.
MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposureCodeType Conditionally This field is only returned for US-based listings eligible for, and using the MAP feature. The enumeration value returned in this field indicates how/when the Minimum Advertised Price will be displayed to the buyer. See the descriptions for each enumeration value for more information.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the discounted price will only be shown to the buyer once the buyer reaches the eBay Checkout page.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the discounted price is shown on the View Item page, and the buyer is not required to add the item to his/her cart or click Buy button to view the discounted price.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the buyer must add the item to his/her cart before the discounted price can be displayed.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field specifies the price to which the discounted-price display treatment will be applied (for example, a strikethrough price). The discounted price of an item is shown in the CurrentPrice field, and is always less than the value in this field.

See Displaying Discount Pricing Information to Buyers for guidelines on displaying STP and MAP items.

PricingTreatmentCodeType Conditionally This field denotes whether or not an item qualifies for a discount pricing treatment display, such as STP or MAP. If this field is set to MAP, you must abide by the rules for displaying MAP items, as described in the MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure field.

Important: For listings that return PricingTreatment set to MAP, you are legally required to follow the rules for displaying the price of the item to potential buyers. You are bound by the terms of the API License Agreement to follow these rules. Refer to the API License Agreement for consequences of non-compliance.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that Minimum Advertised Pricing is enabled for the order line item. If this value is returned, the minimum advertised price is found in the MinimumAdvertisedPrice field.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that neither Strikethrough Pricing or Minimum Advertised Pricing is enabled for the order line item.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that Strikethrough Pricing is enabled for the order line item. If this value is returned, the price in the OriginalRetailPrice field will be crossed out in the View Item page.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
boolean Conditionally Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this field indicates that the discount price (shown in CurrentPrice field) is the price for which the seller offered the same item for sale on a web site or offline store other than eBay in the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the seller's own price for the item.

In the event both SoldOffeBay and SoldOneBay fields are set, SoldOneBay takes precedence.
boolean Conditionally Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this field indicates that the discount price (shown in CurrentPrice field) is the price for which the seller offered the same (or similar) item for sale on eBay within the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the seller's own price for the item.

In the event both SoldOffeBay and SoldOneBay fields are set, SoldOneBay takes precedence.
ProductIDType (string) Conditionally This field is the unique identifier of the product variation. This identfier can either be an eBay Product ID (also known as an ePID), or a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) such as UPC, EAN, or ISBN. This field is only returned if the seller has supplied an ePID or GTIN value for the each variation within a multiple-variation listing.

The type attribute's value indicates the type of product identifier.

IncludeSelector: Variations
int Conditionally This field shows the total quantity associated with the variation, including the quantity available and the quantity sold. To calculate the quantity available for sale, subtract the corresponding Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold value from this value.

Generally, this integer value will be '1' or greater, but it is possible that the value will be '0' if the variation is currently out of stock, but the seller is using the 'Out-of-Stock Control' feature. When the seller uses the 'Out-of-Stock Control' feature, an item (or item variation) will still surface in search results, although that particular item (or item variation) will not be purchasable.

IncludeSelector: Variations
SellingStatusType Conditionally This container shows the quantity sold for the variation, including the quantity that is sold through 'In-Store Pickup' (a logistics option that is only available to a select number of large US sellers with 'brick and mortar' stores). The SellingStatus container is returned for each item variation, even if the quantity sold value is '0'.

IncludeSelector: Variations
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the quantity sold for the corresponding variation. You can subtract this integer value from the value in the Variation.Quantity field to determine the quantity of the variation that is still available for purchase.

IncludeSelector: Variations
int Conditionally This field indicates the total quantity of the corresponding variation sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect option. This value is the total quantity of this variation purchased by one or more buyers using the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect option, and is not the total number of In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect orders for that variation. So, if two buyers selected the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect option, but each of these buyers bought a quantity of five of these variations (in same purchase), the Item.Variations.Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySoldByPickupInStore value would be 10 and not 2.

This field will only be returned if the listing is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect.

Note: The In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, Canada, UK, Germany, and Australia marketplaces, and the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in UK, Australia, and Germany marketplaces. Both of these features can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

IncludeSelector: Variations
Item.Variations.Variation.SKU string Conditionally A SKU (stock keeping unit) is a seller-defined identifier. It is only intended for the seller's use (not necessarily for buyers). A SKU value is not required, but many large sellers like to add SKU values for their products. If SKU values are defined for variations in a multiple-variation listing, the seller can specify a variation's SKU value in the VariationSKU field of a GetSingleItem call to retrieve details on that particular variation. The VariationSKU field is not available in the GetMultipleItems call.

If specified, all SKU values must be unique within the Variations node. That is, no two variations within the same listing can have the same SKU.

This field is only returned if the seller specified a SKU for the variation.
Max length: 80.

IncludeSelector: Variations
AmountType (double) Conditionally The fixed price for this item variation. For example, a "Blue, Large" variation price could be USD 10.00, and a "Black, Medium" variation price could be USD 8.00.

The StartPrice is mandatory for each variation, regardless of whether the price is the same for all variations, or if the price differs for different variations. This field will be returned for each Variation container.

IncludeSelector: Variations
NameValueListArrayType Conditionally,
repeatable: [2..5]
A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations specify the same set of names, and each variation provides a unique combination of values for those names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation specifies Color and Size as names, and no two variations can specify the same combination of color and size values. Use this information to identify a variation of interest when you communicate with the seller.

If your application supports PlaceOffer (in the Trading API), you use this information to uniquely identify the variation that you want to purchase.

IncludeSelector: Variations
NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This list is an array of Item Specifics name-value pairs for an eBay Catalog product (if FindProducts is used) or Item Specifics name-value pairs for a single-variation listing or individual variation within a multiple-variation listing (if GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems is used).

For example, Item Specifics for a motor vehicle might include a field like Make=Toyota (where Make is returned in Name field, and Toyota is returned in Value field) and Model=Prius (where Model is returned in Name field, and Prius is returned in Value field).

In multiple-variation listings, the same name cannot appear in both the ItemSpecifics node and Variation.VariationSpecifics nodes. Common aspects for all variations within the multiple-variation listings will appear in the ItemSpecifics node, and aspects unique to individual variations within the multiple-variation listings will appear in the Variation.VariationSpecifics nodes.

For GetSingleItem, the user can use the NameValueList container in the call input to identify one or more variations to retrieve from a specific multiple-variation listing.

IncludeSelector: Variations
string Conditionally The name of the Item Specific for either an eBay Catalog Product (FindProducts call only), a single-variation listing, and individual variation within a multiple-variation listing, or a Parts Compatibility aspect for a motor vehicle part or accessory listing.

Note: To control the data that is returned in a GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems response, the IncludeSelector filter should be included. To see listing-level Item Specifics, include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to ItemSpecifics. To see variation-level Item Specifics (only applicable for multiple-variation listings), include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to Variations. To see Parts Compatibility name/value pairs (only applicable for motor vehicle part or accessory listings with a compatible vehicle list), include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to Compatibility.

IncludeSelector: Variations
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The corresponding value of an Item Specific for either an eBay Catalog Product (FindProducts call only), a single-variation listing, an individual variation within a multiple-variation listing, or a Parts Compatibility aspect for a motor vehicle part or accessory listing.

IncludeSelector: Variations
NameValueListArrayType Conditionally A list of all variation names and values that are defined on the item. This could include values that were previously defined (but no longer for sale).

eBay uses this list to configure variation selection widgets that appear on eBay's View Item page. For example, if 'Color' and 'Size' are names in the list, then eBay's View Item page displays Color and Size drop-down lists to help a buyer choose a variation of interest.

The order in which the names and values are returned matches the order in which the selection widgets appear on the View Item page. For example, if the names "Color", then "Size", and then "Sleeve Style" are returned, the View Item page shows drop-down lists with those labels in that order. For "Size", if the values returned are "S", "M", and then "L", the View Item page shows the values in that order in the Size drop-down list.

IncludeSelector: Variations
NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This list is an array of Item Specifics name-value pairs for an eBay Catalog product (if FindProducts is used) or Item Specifics name-value pairs for a single-variation listing or individual variation within a multiple-variation listing (if GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems is used).

For example, Item Specifics for a motor vehicle might include a field like Make=Toyota (where Make is returned in Name field, and Toyota is returned in Value field) and Model=Prius (where Model is returned in Name field, and Prius is returned in Value field).

In multiple-variation listings, the same name cannot appear in both the ItemSpecifics node and Variation.VariationSpecifics nodes. Common aspects for all variations within the multiple-variation listings will appear in the ItemSpecifics node, and aspects unique to individual variations within the multiple-variation listings will appear in the Variation.VariationSpecifics nodes.

For GetSingleItem, the user can use the NameValueList container in the call input to identify one or more variations to retrieve from a specific multiple-variation listing.

IncludeSelector: Variations
string Conditionally The name of the Item Specific for either an eBay Catalog Product (FindProducts call only), a single-variation listing, and individual variation within a multiple-variation listing, or a Parts Compatibility aspect for a motor vehicle part or accessory listing.

Note: To control the data that is returned in a GetSingleItem or GetMultipleItems response, the IncludeSelector filter should be included. To see listing-level Item Specifics, include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to ItemSpecifics. To see variation-level Item Specifics (only applicable for multiple-variation listings), include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to Variations. To see Parts Compatibility name/value pairs (only applicable for motor vehicle part or accessory listings with a compatible vehicle list), include the IncludeSelector field and set its value to Compatibility.

IncludeSelector: Variations
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The corresponding value of an Item Specific for either an eBay Catalog Product (FindProducts call only), a single-variation listing, an individual variation within a multiple-variation listing, or a Parts Compatibility aspect for a motor vehicle part or accessory listing.

IncludeSelector: Variations
Item.VhrAvailable boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if a Vehicle History Report is available for a motor vehicle listing. This field is only applicable to motor vehicle listings with a Vehicle History Report avaialable. The URL to the Vehicle History Report can be found in the VhrUrl field.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Item.VhrUrl anyURI Conditionally This field is returned with the URL to the Vehicle History Report if the seller has made one available for a motor vehicle listing. This field is only applicable to motor vehicle listings with a Vehicle History Report avaialable.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
anyURI Always This field shows the URL to the listing's View Item page on the eBay marketplace.

IncludeSelector: none (not controlled by IncludeSelector)
Standard Output Fields  
Ack AckCodeType Always A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies the possible values for the Ack field.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that the call request processing failed.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was processed successfully without any issues.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was successful, but processing was not without any issues. These issues can be checked in the Errors container, that will also be returned when one or more known issues occur with the call request.

(Not all values in AckCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Build string Always This refers to the particular software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. This includes the version number plus additional information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information when helping you resolve technical issues.
CorrelationID string Conditionally If you pass a value in MessageID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. You can use this for tracking that a response is returned for every request and to match particular responses to particular requests. Only returned if MessageID was used.
Errors ErrorType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A list of application-level errors or warnings (if any) that were raised when eBay processed the request.

Application-level errors occur due to problems with business-level data on the client side or on the eBay server side. For example, an error would occur if the request contains an invalid combination of fields, or it is missing a required field, or the value of the field is not recognized. An error could also occur if eBay encountered a problem in our internal business logic while processing the request.

Only returned if there were warnings or errors.
Errors.ErrorClassification ErrorClassificationCodeType Conditionally API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) An error has occurred either as a result of a problem in the sending application or because the application's end-user has attempted to submit invalid data (or missing data). In these cases, do not retry the request. The problem must be corrected before the request can be made again. If the problem is due to something in the application (such as a missing required field), the application must be changed. If the problem is a result of end-user data, the application must alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for the end-user to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, resend the request to eBay with the corrected data.
(out) Indicates that an error has occurred on the eBay system side, such as a database or server down. An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

See Errors by Number.

Errors.ErrorCode token Conditionally A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

See Errors by Number.

Errors.ErrorParameters ErrorParameterType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error. This is often the field or value that triggered the error. You can usually predict where these will occur by looking at the "replaceable_value" indicators in our Errors by Number page.

See Errors by Number.

  [ attribute ParamID ]
string Conditionally Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that contain contextual information about the error. This is often the field or value that triggered the error. You can usually predict where these will occur by looking at the "replaceable_value" indicators in our Errors by Number page.
Errors.ErrorParameters.Value string Conditionally This is the value of the request parameter noted in the ParamID attribute. So, if the ParamID value was ItemID, the value in this field would be the actual value of that ItemID.
Errors.LongMessage string Conditionally A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.

See Errors by Number.

Errors.SeverityCode SeverityCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the error caused the request to fail.

If the request fails and the source of the problem is within the application (such as a missing required element), please change the application before you retry the request. If the problem is due to end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request to eBay.

If the source of the problem is on eBay's side, you can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from reoccurring in the future.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The request that triggered the error was not processed successfully. When a serious application-level error occurs, the error is returned instead of the business data.
(out) The request was processed successfully, but something occurred that may affect your application or the user. For example, eBay may have changed a value the user sent in. In this case, eBay returns a normal, successful response and also returns the warning.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

    Errors by Number
    Error Handling

Errors.ShortMessage string Conditionally A brief description of the condition that raised the error.

See Errors by Number.

Timestamp dateTime Always This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. The time zone of this value is GMT and the format is the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the "dateTime" type for information about this time format and converting to and from the GMT time zone.
Version string Always The version of the API call that eBay used to process the request.

Note: Note that some calls are not always updated with each WSDL release, so it is possible that version numbers will differ by API call.
If a field in the response returns the token "CustomCode", it usually means that the field is a code type (a token or enumeration), and that in your request URL (or HTTP header) you specified a version that is older than the version in which the token was added to the call.

See Schema Versioning Strategy.

Detail Controls


The IncludeSelector input field gives you control over which call-specific output fields may be returned from your queries. IncludeSelector accepts a set of preset values, each of which permits the return of a different set of fields. (All standard output fields are returned regardless of IncludeSelector.)

The table below details the fields that each IncludeSelector value controls. In addition, the table includes a none column that shows the fields that are not controlled by IncludeSelector settings. Note that some fields are returned only when certain conditions are met; see the associated field documentation for a clarification of these conditions.

YThe field is always returned.
(Y)The field is conditionally returned. See the field documentation for clarification of conditions.

Output Field none Description Details ItemSpecifics ShippingCosts TextDescription Variations


This call does not support varying Detail Levels. You do not need to pass DetailLevel in the request.


Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Sample: Basic Call

Retrieves the basic, default set of information pertaining to multiple item listings.


You wish to see the basic details about several item listings whose ItemID values were obtained from another call (for example, you might have conducted a search with findItemsAdvanced from the Finding API). To accomplish this, call GetMultipleItems with an itemID value for each item listing you want to inspect.

URL format. See also the non-wrapped version of this URL. For results in a format other than XML, 
specify a different value for responseencoding.

   Here is the same input in XML format. Note that this does not include standard values.

XML format. Also available is the SOAP equivalent.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetMultipleItemsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


XML format. Also available is the SOAP equivalent.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetMultipleItemsResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
    <PrimaryCategoryName>DVDs & Movies:DVD, HD DVD & Blu-ray</PrimaryCategoryName>
    <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="USD">1.0</ConvertedCurrentPrice>
    <Title>harry potter gwq minimium</Title>
    <Location>San Jose, California</Location>
    <PrimaryCategoryName>Clothing, Shoes & Accessories:Women's Shoes</PrimaryCategoryName>
    <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="USD">15.0</ConvertedCurrentPrice>
    <Title>faridakp blacck harry potter</Title>
    <Location>San Jose</Location>
    <PrimaryCategoryName>Books:Children's Books</PrimaryCategoryName>
    <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="USD">21.85</ConvertedCurrentPrice>
    <Title>Harry Potter Literature Guide (2000)</Title>

Change History

Change Date Description
  • Item.CharityNumber (deprecated): This field is no longer used to identify a charitable organization. Instead, the CharityID field is used.
  • Item.HitCount (deprecated): Hit counters are no longer shown in View Item pages, so this field is no longer applicable.
  • Item.ReturnPolicy (doc change): Updated field descriptions in the ReturnPolicy container to make it more clear that if a seller does not add a separate international return policy for an item, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead.
  • Charity.CharityID, Charity.CharityNumber (doc change): Clarified the difference between CharityID (eBay identifier) and CharityNumber (PayPal Giving Fund identifier), and also added a note about CharityNumber field being scheduled for deprecation.
  • Item.PostalCode (modified): Returned postal code values will now be masked to all users except for the seller of the item.
  • GetMultipleItems (modified): Shopping API endpoint updated to support 'https' protocol. So, the following production endpoint should be used for all Shopping API calls: https://open.api.ebay.com/shopping. The http://open.api.ebay.com/shopping endpoint will still be supported for the time being, but is subject to be wired off.
  • SiteCodeType (doc change): The eBayMotors enumeration value was erroneously hidden from this type definition. eBay Motors is technically a subdomain of eBay.com, but this value is still returned if the listing is in an eBay Motors category.
  • Item.PaymentMethods (modified): For sellers enrolled in the new eBay Managed Payments program, a specified payment method is not necessary. If a payment method is specified, such as PayPal, it will be dropped from the listing and the seller will get a warning message when the call is run.
  • BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType (doc change): Hid the PaisaPay-related values from the type description, as the eBay India site is no longer a functional marketplace, and eBay India was the only marketplace that accepts PaisaPay as a payment method.
  • Item.AutoPay (modified): The immediate payment feature is also available for sellers enrolled in the new eBay Managed Payments program. In the past, this feature was only available to sellers who were offering PayPal as the only available payment method.
  • VATDetailsType (doc change): Cleaned up type documentation.
  • ReturnPolicy.InternationalRefund (added): This release adds the option to specify return policies for international returns (which are items returned using an international shipping service). If you sell internationally, your international return policy is by default inherited from your domestic return policy (in this case ReturnPolicy.RefundOption). Set this option to set up an international return policy if you want to differentiate your international return policy from your domestic return policy. For details, see the Release Notes.
  • ReturnPolicy.InternationReturnsAccepted (added): This release adds the option to specify return policies for international returns.
  • ReturnPolicy.InternationReturnsWithin (added): This release adds the option to specify return policies for international returns.
  • ReturnPolicy.InternationShippingCostPaidBy (added): This release adds the option to specify return policies for international returns.
  • ReturnPolicy.RestockingFeeValue (deprecated): This release deprecates RestockingFeeValueOption. As of this release, sellers are no longer allowed to specify a special restocking fee for returned items. Values passed to this field are ignored.
  • ReturnPolicy.RestockingFeeValueOption (deprecated): This release deprecates RestockingFeeValueOption. As of this release, sellers are no longer allowed to specify a special restocking fee for returned items. Values passed to this field are ignored.
  • ReturnPolicy.WarrantyDuration (deprecated): This release deprecates WarrantyDurationOption. As of this release, eBay no longer supports item warranties. Values passed to this field are ignored.
  • ReturnPolicy.WarrantyOffered (deprecated): This release deprecates WarrantyOfferedOption. As of this release, eBay no longer supports item warranties. Values passed to this field are ignored.
  • ReturnPolicy.WarrantyType (deprecated): This release deprecates WarrantyTypeOption. As of this release, eBay no longer supports item warranties. Values passed to this field are ignored.
  • ReturnPolicy.Description (modified): This field is now valid for only the following marketplaces: EBAY_DE EBAY_ES EBAY_FR EBAY_IT. Values passed to this field in other marketplaces are ignored.
  • ReturnPolicy.RefundOption (modified): This field is now valid only on the US marketplace.
  • Variation.ProductID (added): The unique identifier of an eBay Catalog product (ePID). This field will be returned if there is an eBay Catalog product associated with the variation.
  • Item.AvailableForPickupDropOff (doc change): Field description updated to state that the IncludeSelector field must be included in the call request with its value set to 'Details' in order for this field to be returned.
  • Item.EligibleForPickupDropOff (doc change): Field description updated to state that the IncludeSelector field must be included in the call request with its value set to 'Details' in order for this field to be returned.
  • BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType (modified): The Moneybookers, ProPay, and Paymate enumeration values have been deprecated, and will no longer be returned in any calls.
  • BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType (modified): Moneybookers, ProPay, or Paymate will no longer be accepted as valid PaymentMethods for new listings. However, these payment methods will still be allowed for existing listings, so these values may still get returned until these payment methods are completely removed from all listings.
  • DiscountPriceInfoType (modified): The Strikethrough Pricing Feature is now available for more sites. These sites include US, eBay Motors, UK, Germany, Canada (English and French), France, Italy, and Spain.
  • Item.ReturnPolicy (doc change): More detail was provided for multiple fields in the ReturnPolicy container.
  • SiteCodeType (modified): 'Russia' added as enumeration value to support selling on the new Russia site.
  • Item.PictureURL (doc change): Field description was modified to mention that up to 12 externally-hosted pictures may now be added to a listing.
  • Item.IgnoreQuantity (doc change): Although originally added to the Shopping WSDL in Version 871, this field was omitted from the API Call Reference docs until this release. If this boolean flag is returned (and it is only returned if 'True'), it indicates that items in a multi-quantity listing are currently only available through local fulfillment methods such as eBay Now, In-Store Pickup, or Click and Collect, and that the value in the Quantity field under the Item node or under any Variation node should be ignored since this value is only used to indicate how many items are available through the "Ship to home" method.
  • Item.TopRatedListing (doc change): This field's description was updated to include the latest Top-Rated Seller and Top-Rated Listing requirements.
  • Item.ShippingCostSummary (doc change): This container and its children do not provide reliable shipping cost information when returned by the GetMultipleItems call. If a listing has shipping costs, use the GetShippingCosts call to get more details about the services and costs that the seller is offering.
  • Item.AvailableForPickupDropOff (added): This boolean field will be returned as 'true' if the item is available for the "Pick Up, Drop Off" feature, a feature that will only be supported in the UK, initially.
  • Item.EligibleForPickupDropOff (added): This boolean field will be returned as 'true' if the item is eligible for the "Pick Up, Drop Off" feature, a feature that will only be supported in the UK, initially.
  • Item.HandlingTime (doc change): The description clarifies that HandlingTime can return a value of 0, which indicates that the seller commits to same day handling. For orders placed (and cleared payment received) before the local order cut off time, the item must be shipped by the end of the current day. For orders completed on or after the order cut off time, the item must be shipped by the end of the following day (excluding weekends and local holidays).
  • Item.eBayNowAvailable (added): This boolean field will be returned as 'true' if the item is available for eBay Now delivery.
  • SimpleItemType.eBayNowEligible (added): This flag is returned if the eBay Item is available for eBay Now delivery.
  • Item.PaymentMethods (modified): 'CreditCard' and 'DirectDebit' added as acceptable buyer payment methods. These two values will only be returned for eBay Now-enabled listings.
  • Item.QuantitySoldByPickupInStore (added): This field indicates the total quantity of items sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup option. The QuantitySoldByPickupInStore field is returned at the item level and at the variation level (for multi-variation listings). At the item level, this value is the total quantity of items (for single and multi-variation listings) sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup option. At the variation level, this value is the total quantity of item variations sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup option.
  • SellingStatus.QuantitySoldByPickupInStore (added): This field indicates the total quantity of item variations sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup option. The QuantitySoldByPickupInStore field is returned at the item level and at the variation level (for multi-variation listings). At the item level, this value is the total quantity of items (for single and multi-variation listings) sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup option. At the variation level, this value is the total quantity of item variations sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup option.
  • SKU (added): The seller-defined SKU (stock keeping unit) for an item is now returned in GetMultipleItems if it is set for the listing.
  • NewBestOffer (added): This boolean field will be returned as 'true' if a fixed-price listing is requiring immediate payment, and the item's category supports Immediate Payment for Best Offers.
  • Item.PictureURL (modified): The maximum length of picture URLs has increased from 150 to 500 characters.
  • Item.ReturnPolicy.RestockingFeeValue, Item.ReturnPolicy.RestockingFeeValueOption (added): This string field is used by the seller to indicate the restocking fee that will be charged by the seller for returned items.
  • Item.ConditionDescription (added): This string field is used by the seller to more clearly describe the condition of items that are not brand new. It is only returned if set for the listing.
  • Item.GlobalShipping (added): Indicates whether eBay's Global Shipping Program is offered for a listing. If the value of GlobalShipping is True, the Global Shipping Program is the default international shipping option for the listing. If the value of GlobalShipping is False, the seller might have specified an alternative international shipping service for the listing, or no international shipping option at all.
  • Item.UnitInfo (added): This container includes the UnitType and UnitQuantity fields to provide information about the weight, volume or other quantity measurement of a listed item so buyers can compare per-unit prices. The European Union requires listings for certain types of products to include the price per unit.
  • VhrAvailable, VhrUrl (added): Returned for eBay Motors listings with Vehicle History Reports.
  • QuantityInfo.MinimumRemnantSet (added): This field is returned for US and CA event ticket listings (if set by the seller). This field enables the seller to avoid being left with 1 item in a multi- quanity, fixed-priced event ticket listing, by setting the minimum number of items that should remain if a buyer doesn't purchase all tickets in the listing.
  • TopRatedListing (added): This field is returned if the listing meets the requirements for qualifying as a Top-Rated 2.0 listing.
  • DiscountPriceInfo (added): Added the ability to retrieve discount pricing values (DiscountPricingInfo) for an item, which gives the item either a Strike-Through Pricing (STP) or Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) display treatment. This feature is available to qualified sellers (and their associated developers) who participate in the Discount Pricing program. Once qualified, sellers can apply Discount Pricing to both MSKU and Non-MSKU items. STP is available on the US, UK, and DE sites while MAP is available only on the US site.
    This feature will be available mid-Summer, 2011. Sellers should contact their account manager or Customer Service to see if they qualify for the Strike-Through Pricing program. For more information, see Displaying Discount Pricing Information to Buyers.
  • ShippingCostSummary.LocalPickup (added): If IncludeSelector is set to ShippingCost, and if the seller has specified local pickup as the shipping option for the item, the LocalPickup boolean is returned as true. If local pickup was not specified for the item, the LocalPickup boolean is not returned at all.
  • SimpleItemType.QuantityThreshold, SimpleItemtype.QuantityAvailableHint (added): Set a quantity threshold for the number of items available. As long as the number of items remains above the threshold, GetMultipleItems will return a quantity in the form, "More than n available," where n is the quantity threshold.
  • ConditionID, ConditionDisplayName (added): ConditionID and ConditionDisplayName are supported in the Sandbox for a few categories. Starting in May 2010, they will be supported in production for most categories. These fields are used instead of ItemSpecifics to specify the item's condition in some categories.
  • Item.LotSize (added): A lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. When an item's LotSize is specified, the listing price reflects the price of each lot (not each item within the lot).
  • Item.IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled (added): Integrated merchant credit card status of an item.
  • Item.PaymentAllowedSite (added): Enables you to view the sites on which an item can be purchased.
  • IncludeSelector (added): Allows you to select specific fields for response. Used with new type fields: SimpleItemType.AutoPay and SearchFlagCodeType.AutoPay.
  • ListingType (added): The ListingType field now is returned, by default.
  • (added) New call.