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This type provides details of an offer, and is used by the base request payload of the createOffer and bulkCreateOffer methods.

Type that uses EbayOfferDetailsWithKeys


Calls that use EbayOfferDetailsWithKeys


This integer value sets the quantity of the inventory item (specified by the sku value) that will be available for purchase by buyers shopping on the eBay site specified in the marketplaceId field. Quantity must be set to 1 or more in order for the inventory item to be purchasable, but this field is not necessarily required, even for published offers, if the general quantity of the inventory item has already been set in the inventory item record.

For auction listings, this value must be 1.

Note: The availableQuantity field if set here overrides the quantity field set in the inventory item. See the note in Offer fields for details.
The unique identifier of the eBay category that the product will be listed under. This field is not immediately required upon creating an offer, but will be required before publishing the offer.

Sellers can use the getCategorySuggestions method of the Taxonomy API to retrieve suggested category ID values. The seller passes in a query string like "iPhone 6", and category ID values for suggested categories are returned in the response.

Important!Publish offer note: This field is required before an offer can be published to create an active listing.

Note: When listing in categoryID 173651 (Auto Performance Tuning Devices & Software), use of catalog products is required. For more information, see Tuning devices and software.

This container is used if the seller wishes to select a charitable organization that will receive a percentage of sale proceeds for each sale generated by the eBay listing. This container consists of the charityId field to identify the charitable organization, and the donationPercentage field that indicates the percentage of the sales proceeds that will be donated to the charitable organization for each sale. Both fields in this container are conditionally required for charitable listings.
This container is used to provide the eco-participation fee for a product.

Use the getExtendedProducerResponsibilityPolicies method of the Sell Metadata API to retrieve categories that support eco-participation fee for a specified marketplace.
This enumerated value indicates the listing format of the offer.

Supported values are FIXED_PRICE and AUCTION.
This field is included and set to true if the seller wishes to create a private listing.

Sellers may want to use this option when they believe that a listing's potential bidders/buyers would not want their obfuscated user IDs (and feedback scores) exposed to other users.
This field indicates whether or not eBay product catalog details are applied to a listing. A value of true indicates the listing corresponds to the eBay product associated with the provided product identifier. The product identifier is provided in createOrReplaceInventoryItem.

Default: true

Note: Though the includeCatalogProductDetails parameter is not required to be submitted in the request, the parameter defaults to true if omitted.

The text in this field is (published offers), or will become (unpublished offers) the description of the eBay listing. This field is not immediately required for an unpublished offer, but will be required before publishing the offer. Note that if the listingDescription field was omitted in the createOffer call for the offer, the offer entity should have picked up the text provided in the product.description field of the inventory item record, or if the inventory item is part of a group, the offer entity should have picked up the text provided in the description field of the inventory item group record.

HTML tags and markup can be used in listing descriptions, but each character counts toward the max length limit.

Note: To ensure that their short listing description is optimized when viewed on mobile devices, sellers should strongly consider using eBay's View Item description summary feature when listing their items. Keep in mind that the 'short' listing description is what prospective buyers first see when they view the listing on a mobile device. The 'full' listing description is also available to mobile users when they click on the short listing description, but the full description is not automatically optimized for viewing in mobile devices, and many users won't even drill down to the full description.

Using HTML div and span tag attributes, this feature allows sellers to customize and fully control the short listing description that is displayed to prospective buyers when viewing the listing on a mobile device. The short listing description on mobile devices is limited to 800 characters, and whenever the full listing description (provided in this field, in UI, or seller tool) exceeds this limit, eBay uses a special algorithm to derive the best possible short listing description within the 800-character limit. However, due to some short listing description content being removed, it is definitely not ideal for the seller, and could lead to a bad buyer experience and possibly to a Significantly not as described (SNAD) case, since the buyer may not get complete details on the item when viewing the short listing description. See the eBay help page for more details on using the HTML div and span tags.

Max length: 500000 (which includes HTML markup/tags)
This field indicates the number of days that the listing will be active. For fixed-price listings, this value must be set to GTC, but auction listings support different listing durations.

The GTC (Good 'Til Cancelled) listings are automatically renewed each calendar month until the seller decides to end the listing.

Note: If the listing duration expires for an auction offer without a winning bidder, the listing then becomes available as a fixed-price offer and listing duration will be GTC.

Important!Publish offer note: This field is required before an offer can be published to create an active listing.

This container sets listing policies that will be used to construct the listing. Listing policies include business policies, custom listing policies, and fields that override shipping costs, enable eBay Plus eligibility, or enable the Best Offer feature. This container is not initially required when creating an offer but will become required before the offer can be published. Busines policies (payment, return, fulfillment policies) will always be required before publishing an offer. Other policies, including the seller created compliance policies and seller created take-back policy, will be required as needed by the marketplace, category, or product.

It is required that the seller be opted into Business Policies before being able to create live eBay listings through the Inventory API. Sellers can opt-in to Business Policies through My eBay or by using the Account API's optInToProgram call. Payment, return, and fulfillment listing policies may be created/managed in My eBay or by using the listing policy calls of the sell Account API. The sell Account API can also be used to create and manage custom policies. For more information, see the sell Account API.

Important!Publish offer note: This container and a few of its child fields (as noted below) are required before an offer can be published to create an active listing.

This field can be used if the seller wants to specify a time in the future that the listing will become active on eBay. The timestamp supplied in this field should be in UTC format, and it should be far enough in the future so that the seller will have enough time to publish the listing with the publishOffer method.

For example: 2023-05-30T19:08:00Z.

This field is optional. If this field is not provided, the listing starts immediately after a successful publishOffer method.
This field is only applicable if the listing is a lot listing. A lot listing is a listing that has multiple quantity of the same item, such as four identical tires being sold as a single offer, or it can be a mixed lot of similar items, such as used clothing items or an assortment of baseball cards. Whether the lot listing involved identical items or a mixed lot, the integer value passed into this field is the total number of items in the lot. Lots can be used for auction and fixed-price listings.
This enumeration value is the unique identifier of the eBay site for which the offer will be made available. See MarketplaceEnum for the list of supported enumeration values. This field is required.
The unique identifier of a merchant's inventory location (where the inventory item in the offer is located).

To get more information about inventory locations, the getInventoryLocations method can be used.

Note: This field is not initially required upon first creating an offer, but will become required before an offer can be published.

Important!Publish offer note: This field is required before an offer can be published to create an active listing.

Max length: 36
This container shows the listing price for the product offer, and if applicable, the settings for the Minimum Advertised Price and Strikethrough Pricing features. The Minimum Advertised Price feature is only available on the US site. Strikethrough Pricing is available on the US, eBay Motors, UK, Germany, Canada (English and French), France, Italy, and Spain sites.

This container is not initially required upon first creating an offer, but the price of the offer will become required before an offer can be published.

Important!Publish offer note: This container and its child container, price, are required before an offer can be published to create an active listing.

This field is only applicable and set if the seller wishes to set a restriction on the purchase quantity per seller. If this field is set by the seller for the offer, then each distinct buyer may purchase up to, but not exceed the quantity specified for this field. So, if this field's value is 5, each buyer may purchase between one to five of these products, and the purchases can occur in one multiple-quantity purchase, or over multiple transactions. If a buyer attempts to purchase one or more of these products, and the cumulative quantity will take the buyer beyond the quantity limit, that buyer will be blocked from that purchase.
This container is used by the seller to provide regulatory information.
The unique identifier for a secondary category. This field is applicable if the seller decides to list the item under two categories. Sellers can use the getCategorySuggestions method of the Taxonomy API to retrieve suggested category ID values. A fee may be charged when adding a secondary category to a listing.

Note: You cannot list US eBay Motors vehicles in two categories. However, you can list Parts & Accessories in two categories.

Note: When listing in categoryID 173651 (Auto Performance Tuning Devices & Software), use of catalog products is required. For more information, see Tuning devices and software.

The seller-defined SKU value of the product that will be listed on the eBay site (specified in the marketplaceId field). Only one offer (in unpublished or published state) may exist for each sku/marketplaceId/format combination. This field is required.

Use the getInventoryItems method to retrieve SKU values.

Max Length: 50
array of string
This container is used if the seller would like to place the inventory item into one or two eBay store categories that the seller has set up for their eBay store. The string value(s) passed in to this container will be the full path(s) to the eBay store categories, as shown below:
"storeCategoryNames": [
"/Fashion/Men/Accessories" ],
This container is applicable and used only if a sales-tax table, a Value-Added Tax (VAT) rate, or a tax exception category code will be applied to the offer. Only Business Sellers can apply VAT to their listings. It is possible that the applyTax field will be included with a value of true, but a buyer's purchase will not involve sales tax.

A sales-tax rate must be set up in the seller's sales-tax table for the buyer's state/tax jurisdiction in order for that buyer to be subject to sales tax. Sales-tax rates for different jurisdictions can be added/modified in the Payment Preferences section of My eBay, or the seller can use the sales tax calls of the Account API.

Note: Sales-tax tables are available only for the US and Canada marketplaces.
Refer to Taxes and import charges for more information on setting up and using a sales tax table.